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  1. PicassothePanther

    Tables and Stands for a 24 x 24 cage

    Guys, i have been looking everywhere for a cheap, yet attractive, SQUARE (at least 24" x 24") table or stand to support my cage that is on its way from LLLreptile. it has to be nice because it will be in my livingroom, which is black leather couches, black and glass computer desk and black and...
  2. PicassothePanther

    Question about the Mistking

    yea that sounds good. i should have the mistking to me by tomorrow, the cage and accessories to me by tuesday and wednesday, and i could start assembling stuff wednesday night and thursday night, then put the finishing touches and the drainage system together friday (maybe ill leave work friday...
  3. PicassothePanther

    Question about the Mistking

    yo.. yea u can. you can run up to 10 valves on the mistking ultimate from what I understand. that is the one i got. i think im gonna need ur help setting it up haha. and u will be able to see it in person (if u wanted to) lol
  4. PicassothePanther

    My Selfmade Enclosure and Panther chameleon (Tito) that i finnaly got today!

    Knauzeris, I think I need to make a similar humidifier set-up (I'm in New Jersey, the center for all crappy humidity!) What humifier are you using and what size tubing is it? Also, your timer setting for 30 minutes for 3 times a day.. when the humidifier turns on, how long does it take for...
  5. PicassothePanther

    Your Next Chameleon?

    parsons or mellers!
  6. PicassothePanther

    Ate out of my hand for the first time

    mine wont eat out of my hand at all.. but maybe thats because my cage is at my shoulder's length and i am towering over him... he is also only 3.5 months old.
  7. PicassothePanther

    help with my setup

    i also have 12 feet of Bio vine (6ft of 1" and 6 feet of .5").. going to be a fun fun project!
  8. PicassothePanther

    help with my setup

    Guys, I am in the processing of preparing for my 24" x 24" x 48" LLLReptile cage to come in the mail.. I also have a MistKing coming to me and a 22" Ficus (and I also already have a 16" dwarf umbrella). What other plants should I have in there? I was told having the Ficus and dwarf umbrella...
  9. PicassothePanther

    Is this panther 3 months?

    i agree.. 1.5 months old depending on his diet and health. i cant tell - are his eyes sunk in?
  10. PicassothePanther

    LLL Drain Pan Drainage.

    todnedo, your nosey-be is aweasome
  11. PicassothePanther

    LLL Drain Pan Drainage.

    you could just put some clorox in the pan every few weeks
  12. PicassothePanther

    LLL Drain Pan Drainage.

    summoner - you mentioned that the pipe hole and tubing should be big enough for debris to pass through. but isnt the bottom part of the cage a screen? If so, how would it pass through the screen to get to the drain pan?
  13. PicassothePanther

    LLL Drain Pan Drainage.

    you could always put a suckerfish in it so it eats the bacteria LOL
  14. PicassothePanther

    LLL Drain Pan Drainage.

    Kevin, this thread is awesome. I just ordered a drainage pan and I'm getting it next week. Now I know what I'm gonna be doing next weekend! Thanks again...
  15. PicassothePanther


    Cool.. i just got 2 6 foot biovines 1" and 1/2" packs.. good thing about vine is that you only really need it on the top 25% of the cage.. so you could go in a circle almost like a spiral staircase hitting all sides of the top of the cage and across. I have a 2/2/4foot cage and that is what i...
  16. PicassothePanther

    my new boy <3

    yea he looks like a friggin iguana in the first pic!
  17. PicassothePanther

    Picassos Mom and Dad...

    i was wondering the same thing about "sample dam". I was just emailing with them earlier - i'll ask them. or maybe vincent will see this post...
  18. PicassothePanther

    my new boy <3

    wow dudes got teeth like a bearded dragon lol
  19. PicassothePanther


    What did you end up getting?
  20. PicassothePanther

    Help with Dubia Roaches

    Hey guys, I want to start a dubia roach colony. I have a few questions.. 1. My guy is only a little over 3 months old..when do I start feeding him Dubia Roaches? (I dont even know how big Dubias get or how they start out) 2. What do I need to sustain a colony? Where do I get a starter...
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