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  1. Jay1501

    I NEED plans for D.I.Y enclosure

    I want to build my own enclosure ive not realy had experiance in makeing anything that big before i only want it to be sort of 2-3 foot wide and 4 ft high will i have to use a certain type of wood? And what would i need for screening etc so if anyones made one before or has a fair idea the...
  2. Jay1501

    Sketch of Simba

    Very detailed top effort
  3. Jay1501

    To close to uv...can damage?

    Ok its just theres a wire to my thermostat he uses to climb up i may have to change this if its a problem
  4. Jay1501

    To close to uv...can damage?

    My cham is literally touching the uv bulb with his head is this ok hes stopped now but was doing it for a few mins
  5. Jay1501


    Ok yea i will do thanks is there a way i can add you or something? Im new to this not quite sure how it all works an use if off my iphone
  6. Jay1501


    Lol ok thanks for the info il look it up now :)
  7. Jay1501


    Hi how do i dust i.e can you cover a locust to much in dust? And what can i gutload with thanks
  8. Jay1501


    At the moment im just useing a very light spray bottle and spraying the leaves inside my enclosure for a few mins 3 times a day is this enough? Idealy i would like to use something other than this method any sugestions? Im just woried my cham wont drink or drink enough ive never seen him drink...
  9. Jay1501

    How long till he shows his colours other than brown an white?

    Im just wandering at what age will my chameleon show colours hes a brown with bits of white at the moment sometimes theres no white though... and at what age is a chameleon fully grown. Thanks
  10. Jay1501

    Gutloading jam???

    Ok thank you il have a read through
  11. Jay1501

    Gutloading jam???

    Ive heard of puting some jam in with the locusts for this true that you can use this? Also what other things can i use that mite be laying around the house. While im posting can someone explain how i can post pictures up on my post please. Thanks
  12. Jay1501

    Handsome Monty!

    Are the horns actualy used for anything in the wild???
  13. Jay1501

    New Custom Built Enclosure

    This is just what i want to be makeing can i ask what materials you used and how much was it to make
  14. Jay1501

    Any ideas? Home made or not?

    Ok thanks for the advice so il have to have it alot wider then i wouldant be doing this for a month or two just wanted to get an idea hes a cross between sambava/rustic red and ambolibe blue,red and greens thats what the breeder said (im new to this lol) thanks.
  15. Jay1501

    Any ideas? Home made or not?

    Am takin quite a like to the flexariums are they a good thing to use??? Ive also seen pictures of some home made vivs wich look kinda easy and cheep to make is this a good idea if so what will i need to buy i.e safe materials etc i have a 3ft long by 2ft high viv at the momeant but would like a...
  16. Jay1501

    Home made or not?

    Am takin quite a like to the flexariums are they a good thing to use??? Ive also seen pictures of some home made vivs wich look kinda easy and cheep to make is this a good idea if so what will i need to buy i.e safe materials etc i have a 3ft long by 2ft high viv at the momeant but would like a...
  17. Jay1501

    How many locust should he eat a day???

    Ok is there something i can buy/make to keep the foods in so they cant get out through my vents because at the momeant ive put locust next to him and hes had 5 today and didant seem to want anymore are crikets a must? As i would rather not use as theyre so quick also any other tips for a new...
  18. Jay1501

    How many locust should he eat a day???

    Ok so i got my chameleon yesterday i was wandering how much to feed him hes like 2 inches long and with tail like 3 an a half maybe 4 and are there any treats he will like now and then that are safe etc or greens/vegies?
  19. Jay1501

    Best to dust with????

    Ok it kind of helps but ive never heard of them things lol is there not just one thing i can buy??? Or is it a few sldifrent things on difrent days is the uv bullb not good enough then il have to introduce real sunlight when i can?
  20. Jay1501

    Best to dust with????

    Whats the best supliment to dust with that has everything to keep my chameleon healthy an is there a way of keeping locusts an worms in like a pot or something to put in the viv but so the locusts cant get out and escape through the vents???
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