Search results

  1. Julle

    My bradypodions

    i keep 2.3 thamnobates/3.8 transvaalense (two color lines)/1.1 damaranum/1.1 setaroi and 1.1 pumilum and more to come.
  2. Julle

    My bradypodions

    AND Of corse my picture loading limit is up..
  3. Julle

    My bradypodions

    And my past vanheygeni female says by by..
  4. Julle

    My bradypodions

    more pictures......
  5. Julle

    My bradypodions

    more pictures...
  6. Julle

    My bradypodions

    more pictures..
  7. Julle

    My bradypodions

    Some of my animals. Greetings from Finland:
  8. Julle

    CB Trioceros tempeli - rarer than CB parsoniis ;-)

    Congratulations Benny, they are really cool babies :)
  9. Julle

    Live Plant Database

    Hello all! What is the real deal with Pachira aquatica Is it toxic or not for chameleons to eat? I have used a search, but still there is conflicting opinions.
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