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  1. H

    200 crickets dominated by ANTS!!!!

    I want the barrier a couple houses down on each side of me :)
  2. H

    200 crickets dominated by ANTS!!!!

    I googled that lizard they look awesome :)
  3. H

    200 crickets dominated by ANTS!!!!

    He seems to really enjoy it. Like rocky road ice cream before bed :)
  4. H

    200 crickets dominated by ANTS!!!!

    I just bought 200 crickets sunday tossed in a few egg cartons some orange stuff some calcium gel stuff and some veggies in a 5 gallon bucket. I got off work today around 8:00 pm thought ziggy would want a nice snack before bed. I walked into the back yard and to my bucket and noticed there were...
  5. H

    Oorana Mena or Nosy Mitsio

    Nosy for sure. I would pay a pretty penny for a nice faly.
  6. H

    Ziggy zig 4 months (kammer flage)

    Yes. I have him in an adult cage with live and artificial plans as well as a water fall and some other goodies to make it his tropical humid land.
  7. H

    Ziggy zig 4 months (kammer flage)

    showing nice color
  8. H

    What kind of soil to use for Transplanting plants for Chameleon cage

    As long as you use all organic with no additives like plant steroids and other crazy additives you should be safe.
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