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  1. V

    Hibiscus tip needed :D

    gee thank a lot guys and gals! You are such a great source of help! :)
  2. V

    Pic's of yourself with your cham

    Here's a pic of Rellik when he was a baby!
  3. V

    Hibiscus tip needed :D

    Does anyone have some good tips on how to keep a hibiscus alive longer? Or to at least keep it nice and healthy? Please and thank you!
  4. V

    Does this look bad?

    Chameleon Info: My Chameleon – Veiled Chameleon. Six months old and 5.5 months in my care Handling – Only when necessary i.e. Cage upgrades Feeding –Crickets mostly. I give him mealworms too but only like once a month. A good ten crickets every other day because he usually doesn’t want to...
  5. V

    Does this look bad?

    I use two Repti Glo bulbs. I dust my crickets with miner-all from sticky tongue farms every other day, lightly, and i gutload them with carrots, apples, squash, and the occasional dog food. Is this okay for them? Sorry. I'm kinda new at this.
  6. Dsc 0409

    Dsc 0409

  7. V

    Does this look bad?

    This is Rellik. He is my seven month old Veiled and I was wondering if his casque was a sign of MBD because its bent. His limbs seem fine and he regularly eats and drinks. Please just analyze this for me.
  8. Member Album by Vezoktor

    Member Album by Vezoktor

  9. When Rellik Was A Baby!

    When Rellik Was A Baby!

    I took this picture back when he was only a month old.
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