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  1. scs

    Direct Misting/Showers

    Thanks for sharing your experiences everyone! It has certainly helped me decide what to do... At the moment I'm just warming her up to the idea of a little mist from the spray bottle in her direction. If she enjoys it in the long run then I might shower her. I've been just barely hitting her...
  2. scs

    Direct Misting/Showers

    Yeah, I tested the water on my hand/wrist to check the temp it came out...My chameleon is kind of shy so she isn't always close to the door of her cage. I wanted to make sure the water was still warm when it reached its destination. :rolleyes: She didn't seem to like it that much because she...
  3. scs

    Direct Misting/Showers

    I'll try lightly misting her directly with hot water (so that the mist comes out warm) and see if she likes it. Thanks for the tips!
  4. scs

    Direct Misting/Showers

    I've looked through a bunch of threads, not wanting to repeat questions over and over, but there were many different aspects and I want to make sure my cham has the best set up regarding water. I have a female veiled chameleon who is about 8-11 months old. She isn't gravid or anything and...
  5. scs

    Is Iggy eating sand!?!????

    -no water beading up on the sand, nothing shiny -no gravid coloration or behaviors -about what size rocks? -it looked like her tongue was returning to her mouth completely clean, no sand sticking on it. Thanks a lot for the help, and since she isn't eating the sand should I just...
  6. scs

    Chameleon jungle

    OMG your jungle is beautiful; I'm jealous!!! It makes my veiled's cage look like it's the size of a teacup.... and technically my whole family could fit inside Iggy's cage (Iggy=my veiled) so that means a lot!!!!!!:):D
  7. scs

    Baby Cham not eating

    Usually they are too stressed out to eat after arriving at a new home, but check out this thread for other things to look out for:
  8. scs

    Is Iggy eating sand!?!????

    My veiled female (somewhere between 8 and 11 months old) is currently sitting on a branch over her nesting box and repeatedly flicking her tongue out onto the sand. There aren't any bugs down there!!! She has never taken any interest in going into or near her box, and now all at once she is...
  9. scs

    Itchy Face

    My veiled rubs her feet and face against branches when she sheds too and she is perfectly healthy.... I'm not an expert but I'm pretty sure that is normal. But, if he keeps it up after he is completely done shedding then I'd look further into it with a vet. I hope I could help!
  10. scs

    Wanna know what's funny, lol?

    I've never heard the mealworm myth, but I have heard a similar one with superworms.... they are kind of big and creepy, but can superworms actually hurt my chameleon if I don't... ya know... crush their heads? :confused: Also, is there anything to look out for when feeding Iggy (my veiled) wax...
  11. scs

    Restless Veiled Chameleon: Searching for Nesting Box?

    :confused:Do blue spots always mean that she is receptive? If she isn't gravid now, then when do you think she will be? Should I keep the poster boards up for privacy or will it be a while until she is gravid? She isn't eating very much, and is a little rounder than usual, but she hasn't even...
  12. scs

    Restless Veiled Chameleon: Searching for Nesting Box?

    Is this a better set up? I put poster boards around the bottom so that she has privacy, and added a branch that goes into her nesting/sand box. Is there anything else I should take note of and improve? :confused:
  13. scs

    Restless Veiled Chameleon: Searching for Nesting Box?

    Her cage is a Colossal Corner Lizard Cage: 36" x 36" x 22" x 22" x 22" and a height of 74” Do you have any suggestions of what I could do to make my Veiled more comfortable?
  14. scs

    Restless Veiled Chameleon: Searching for Nesting Box?

    I am using perlite and 'desert blend- ground English walnut shells' in the box. It is a bit crumbly, but still moist. Does it need to be wetter or just normal sand? I will definitely put in a branch. Should it go into the box, or just lead up to the edge? For the privacy covering, does it...
  15. scs

    Restless Veiled Chameleon: Searching for Nesting Box?

    My female Veiled Chameleon (about 5-7 months, from Petsmart, about 6 inches without tail) has been restless for the past 5 days. She only eats two or three insects per day, usually she would eat about 15. I have read that these are signs that mean she might lay eggs soon. She is often walking on...
  16. scs

    Diet of Veiled Chameleon-help please

    Thanks for helping me! (Now I just need to get my parents and sister to break the habit of calling Iggy 'him' or 'he'). :D I've had a box of moist sand (about 6 inches tall, 10 inches long, and 8 inches wide) in the back of the cage because we weren't sure of Iggy's gender or age when we first...
  17. scs

    Diet of Veiled Chameleon-help please

    Here is another picture, sorry it took so long I couldn't find Iggy and then my computer started to act up....
  18. scs

    Diet of Veiled Chameleon-help please

    Sorry it took me so long... I couldn't find Iggy!:D
  19. scs

    Diet of Veiled Chameleon-help please

    Here is another picture of Iggy.... can anyone tell if Iggy is a boy or a girl? Is he/she too young to tell?
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