Super good news about my boy! Came home from work and he was super pissed to see me. lol Hissed turned black mouth gaping mad. He has not ever shown this before so that is great. He ate 3 wax worms and caught one himself. He had some trouble figuring out his tongue but after a few misses he...
So my boy is doing a little better. He can move his legs now but is not strong enough to walk. He can drag himself if he really wants to get some where. he is now sleeping on a baby's washcloth so he isn't in the dirt since it makes him cold. He prefers to be warmer then the other one and he...
If the fruit flies are escaping you can set a small dish of fruit baby food or apple sauce in the bottom of the cage and the flies will go to it to eat. My little Cham will go to the dish and pick off the flies as they try and eat. She gets a little fruit that way too.
So my temp right now in the basking area is about 85 degrees. If i drop it even a few degrees he acts like he is dead and his eyes get sunken in and he won't even flinch if i pick him up. If I get it to 85 or more he is more active and alert. Do you think he is too cold being that he is so sick...
My UVB light is brand new the store's lights are old which is partly how this happened.
Stupid cat broke the heat bulb while I was at work so he was VERY weak when I got home. He is under the heat now (red sleeping bulb as that is all I have available at 11pm) and is a little more alert. I...
So the vet called and said there is pretty much nothing he can do at this point. He said to keep giving the calcium spray by the drop and get him outside for 20 minutes a day when it is sunny out, which in the PNW isn't very often. he said the more heat the better. He is the only vet who works...
Hi All,
Well he made through the night. The black light we have is not a florescent light but a regular 75 watt bulb that is colored black. My socks do not glow under it it is heat only. It is the Zilla black light.
I thought the Zilla calcium spray was calcium glucanate? There web site...
since he is alert and looking around should I give him more calcium spray or wait until tomorrow when we go to the vet?
It is weird I have osteoporosis and I take calcium and Vit d3 daily because we don't absorb the calcium without the D3. But they are the opposite. Very strange little...
Okay I will move the light up a bit to lower the temps a few degrees. This morning he was hanging by one foot upside down and I thought he was dead his eyes were closed and he was cold as an ice cube. he is still alive as of now which is more then I thought would happen. I will do anything and...
HE'S MOVING HE'S MOVING! HE IS ACTUALLY UPRIGHT INSTEAD OF LAYING ON HIS SIDE AND BOTH EYES ARE OPEN! :D fingers are crossed! it is going to be a LOONNNGGG night for me lol! WOO HOO I hope he pulls through.
So I moved him a bit closer to the heat and he perked up and actually opened his eyes which he hasn't done since yesterday. He is looking at me which is good. That is a HUGE improvement over yesterday and today. I will order a order a Reptisun 5.0 tomorrow for them. I bought what I could grab...
I am all for complaints to corporate maybe they will eventually listen to the employees that something is wrong. I'm no expert but I do research constantly to learn because lets face it Petco does a crappy job of training it's employees. I am a Avian specialist and now the aquatic specialist but...
The Heating pad is under the tank and there is 3 inches of dirt on the tank floor so the dirt is just a nice warm feeling. He feels cold to the touch so that is why I used it to supplement his heat. The other veiled is warm to the touch. Why are black lights bad? i am not being contradictory I...