a pic of one of my nosy faly. I call him Burt Reynolds. The cham on my hand is Thomas and he is a Nosy Be. A lil grumpy when it come to picture time but not a bad guy.
Dont care how much it is. To make a blanket scientific statement is absurd to say the least. 5 fecals for 5 bills to start is cheap. Research like this would and will likely cost thousands. Dont care. If it can show anything its that parasites are adaptable. To think a critter gets a free pass...
Coccidia cares not if they are wc or ch or anything else. It is ignorant to think they are free of parasites. I really cant stand Petr. I stay away from his posts. I dont care what he has to say. If your an ass about it, then im done listening. He seems like an arrogant man. He continues to...
As far as cages, I have used all sizes for all stages. My fist cham was put straight into a 2x2x4 and did quite well. The other 5 had a smaller cage and did just fine. I will say that the type of cage you get will depend on how often you use your heater/ac. Most people buy screen cages and the...
I have a female that looked similar until she went full peach. The pattern was not as extreme but very similar. She went through some drastic changes before she settled on her final color.