You have tremendous compasiion!! He looks good!! I've seen a fair share of wc come in and none I've came across were that bad....that is terrible keeping!! Where did you get him??
Eric is a good friend of mine....he doesn't sell babies....nor do I......he sells eggs......along with unhatched chameleon doesn't know any different of envirnment till it's that cruelty?......I have near 100% success raising babies from egg... very very...
If you move it, candle it...... etc... you will dislodge the embryo and it will die.....A CHAMELEON IS A NATURAL ANIMAL......egg hatching varies.....if left alone should hatch from 6 monyhs to 12......if kept ideal temps should be closer to 6
Give them water, gutloaded crickets dusted with calcium and change uv bulb...that would cost you....30.00 to save their life..... or I'd take them for cost of shipping....they don't look very healthy