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  1. On My Way

    On My Way

    He sees you but also that guy over there
  2. GrimCamel

    Glucosinolate toxic to Chameleons?

    Right now I am reading a bunch about the cabbage butterfly (pieris brassicae) and hoping they would make a good alternative feeder since I can't get my hands on silkworms and hornworms arent allowed in the EU. I've found quite a bit of this larvae outside on a wild native growing cabbage around...
  3. GrimCamel

    Glass enclosure vs. screen enclosure for panther chameleon

    Both works but screen seems easier for most people. Winter can be pretty harsh where I live so I went with a glass vivarium which I am happy with since my panther have turned dark in about half an hour after I put him in his free range this winter. I think you can use both just with the right...
  4. GrimCamel

    Need panther pics for a tattoo.

    If I were you I would probably snatch something from google (because Im a bad person) or look up photographers and chose from their works. I have an older photo that needs some work but its vertical at least
  5. GrimCamel

    Comment by 'GrimCamel' in media 'A bit of purple'

    @Spags Thank you! :D
  6. GrimCamel

    Introducing Garrus

    May he bring pride to his Turian people! (Mass effect ref)
  7. GrimCamel

    Rescue failed Female veiled chameleon with mbd

    Thats one weird vet. You aren't even supposed to gutload with it cause its that bad. Weird Sorry for your girl tho. May she find peace
  8. GrimCamel

    Rescue failed Female veiled chameleon with mbd

    Did you give her dog food??
  9. GrimCamel

    Comment by 'GrimCamel' in media 'Jerry'

    I would also be careful with the halogen bulbs. They are pretty intense. I have one myself and its the last time I'm trying one. It even burns the live plants. If my chameleon would bask right under it I would probably remove it asap
  10. GrimCamel

    Comment by 'GrimCamel' in media 'Jerry'

    I would say these are burns. I have never seen any other skin problem go so black his. I am not quite sure about the whiter spot closer to his neck tho. Could just be a healing burn as you said as well as the one on his legs and it probably is. If I were you I would take my chameleon to the vet...
  11. GrimCamel

    Comment by 'GrimCamel' in media 'Jerry'

    Oh, so damaged...Poor boy
  12. GrimCamel

    New blue ambanja from kammerflage!!

    I saw a couple of pictures on fb. Beautiful little boy you got there :)
  13. GrimCamel


    I would control that left front leg of hers. It could be just the pictures but it looks a bit MBDish
  14. GrimCamel

    Why is my new veiled chameleon climbing on the top of the cage(upside down)

    doubt. My chameleon was 1.5 y o by the time
  15. GrimCamel

    Why is my new veiled chameleon climbing on the top of the cage(upside down)

    Could be many reasons. Stress, low temperature etc. My chameleon used to do it before I moved up his enclosure on a desk. Chameleons prefer to look down at their surroundings
  16. GrimCamel

    Poops in same spot....

    Mine does that too. The annoying thing tho is that he started to do it even outside his enclosure. Just hope he wont see that as his future toilet haha!
  17. GrimCamel

    New Cham - small/weak/blind? Help!

    I think MissLissa covered about everything here! Take her advise! I would just like to make a comment on that picture where you hold your chameleon next to the snout of your dog. Do not do that. It will cause your chameleon much stress to be so close to a predator. They can form bonds with their...
  18. GrimCamel

    Handling tips !

    Never force it on him. It will give him a bad experience. But yeah hand feeding is a good start Before my cham climbed onto me I used to take the chance when I scratched on the door etc. because he wanted me to open them. I would guide him onto my hand and place him in his free range. He thought...
  19. GrimCamel

    Lost and found: Need identification, sexing, advice

    Not a bad find at all! I understand why you wanna keep him ;)
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