The problem you have as im aware in uk is it is soooo humid. The exo terra glass terriums keep humidity in so if possible add more vent holes or leave door slightly open
He used eat 15 locusts aday and now eats around 3 every other day. He wont hand feed, hunt very rarely eats out the cup.
I have a girl chameleon and he is always trying to get on her viv. He loves being outside his viv but cant free range infact i had him out a minute ago heres a picture.
hello everyone i have a silk worm colony growing strong i have around 500 small silk worms at the moment and will be selling them as my cham can't eat them all.
I will always be growing silk worms so will most likey always be selling silks.
Please pm me if anyone is intrested
For a veiled you need try keep humidity to 40-50% all times and mist three times aday for 3minutes my best bet is to get a misting system. I got mine second hand for 30£
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled, 8month male has been in my care for 6months
Handling - Every other day.
Feeding - he gets around 15 feeders all gutloaded with fresh veggies and bug burger.
Supplements - calcium without d3 5 times a week. Repashy calcium plus 1 week
Watering - Dripper...