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  1. RandellTheCham

    Male veiled changed.

    hi guys ive had randel my male veiled for 5months and ive had my female for a month ever since ive had her he's changed he is always trying get out of his cage when i get him out his only aim is to get over to her cage is this normal?
  2. RandellTheCham

    Neon femle

    I talk alot about my male veilded chameleon so i thought id give my beautiful female a shoutout today who is thriving!
  3. RandellTheCham

    Calcium PLUS - how often?

    Ive noticed dramatic change in my chameleon since using it! Was all going really well untill amonth ago. This thread may save my chameleons life. Thank you guys
  4. RandellTheCham

    Chameleon Non mean hiss?

    People dont realise that chameleons/reptiles have personalitys.
  5. RandellTheCham

    Repashy Calcium Plus

    Hi guys ive been told to use repashy calicum plus on everyfeed instead of giving them calcium, d3 and vits is this correct?
  6. RandellTheCham

    Is this light crap?

    Could you send me something more suitable?
  7. RandellTheCham

    Is this light crap?

    so i have had randel my male veiled for 5months and was told use this all in one mercury vapour bulb but recently randel has being acting odd and been told on facebook this light is nothing but rubbish. Is this rubbish if it is what do i upgrade to
  8. RandellTheCham


    Put her in the shower if possible, i put mine on a plant and put him In shower aim the shower head to the wall so she/he gets the back Splash and leave them there 30minutes. The heat and humiditys will seriously help the shed come completely off. My female veild runs away when she gets misted...
  9. RandellTheCham

    Like father like son

    so i have had randel for 5months and he is 8 months old. I was lucky to find an amazing breeder who was able show me randel parents and grandfather. Today randel did a pose which was almost identical to his fathers. Randel is at the top.
  10. RandellTheCham

    Instsgram @Rozandrandel

    Instsgram @Rozandrandel
  11. RandellTheCham

    Scared chameleon?

    hi guys ive had my male veild For around 5 months and noticed recently he's like scared of me. Making himself thin and hiding behind and branch. Why is this?
  12. RandellTheCham

    Hunger strike

    Great info bud. Atleast he is healthy.
  13. RandellTheCham

    Hunger strike

    hello again guys. Randel has had this hunger strike for around a month. He only accepts wax worms and eats dryed leafs at botterm of his viv. I also noticed he eats the locuts in his cage when the lights just go off. Should i not feed him for couple days? How long can hunget strikes last here...
  14. RandellTheCham

    Black chameleon

    I also have a female veild which he saw during the cleaning process and he freaked out
  15. RandellTheCham

    Black chameleon

    This was soo amazing
  16. RandellTheCham


    The quicker the shed the better :) You have nothing to worry about
  17. RandellTheCham

    how long to shed?

    From my experience they sometimes dont fully shed, my male is a pain he is always shedding or have loose skin somewhere on his body. Warm mist them more regulary and that will help them :)
  18. RandellTheCham

    Hand feeding help

    Each chameleon is different i reconmend tong feeding first :)
  19. RandellTheCham

    Few veild chameleon questions.

    Hello everyone i have some questions regarding my veild chameleons. I have a brother and sister chameleon which both are 8months old. First question when do male veilds slow down on there eating? I have been posting threads about me worrying about my male isnt eating a much as he did. He eats...
  20. RandellTheCham

    Male veild not eating

    Hornworms are banned in the uk, impossible to get over here. He feeds mostly on hoppers which i bulk buy, i also keep super worms, wax worms, calci worms and crickets. Atm he only takes wax worms, ive spoken to the breeder and she said his father only accepted wax worms for amonth but will...
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