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  1. ChamDE86

    Help with starting a Dubia colony

    You can buy a starter kit via online and then just have them breed until a colony is established. It will take roughly a year if you are starting from scratch. I was able to find someone local who already had one going. He gave me like 200 mixed sizes dubia and now I have several thousand...
  2. ChamDE86

    Feeder help.

    Phoenix worms are great feeders and will also turn into black soldier flies. My guy has been eating them since he was 3 months. He is not about 1.5 years old and still loves them.
  3. ChamDE86

    Baby Thamnobates Climbing On and Riding The Worm

    OMG! Cuteness overload! :eek:
  4. ChamDE86

    Am I doing something wrong?

    You're actually doing a lot wrong. 1) Check the back of your chameleon's feet to see if it has a tarsal spur (a bump)sticking out. If you see one, then you have male. 2) "Total Bites" gutload is really only good to keep your feeders alive. Offer them fresh veggies/fruits and/or dry gutload such...
  5. ChamDE86

    My Panther chameleon wont eat

    Carrots alone is not good. They need a variety of fresh veggies to maintain good health. I highly recommend that you take a look at these links below. I'm not sure who told you it was Okay to only dust with regular calcium, but I'd fix that asap before your cham takes a turn for the worse...
  6. ChamDE86

    My Panther chameleon wont eat

    These guys are very good at hiding any illness they may be suffering from. He needs to have his vitamins and calcium with d3 twice a month. Also, regular calcium should be used at every feeding. What are you using to gut-load the feeders?
  7. ChamDE86

    chameleons rule

    See rules 1 & 2 (y)
  8. ChamDE86

    Sleeping Habits

    Yes, this is very normal. My guy has 2 normal sleeping spots, but I'll catch him in a completely new spot every once in a while.
  9. ChamDE86

    Am I misting to much

    It could be the fogger or it could not be the fogger. I'd fill out the "how to ask for help" form, so we can rule out any other potential issues.
  10. ChamDE86

    Am I misting to much

    You guys have to realize that it can take a while for your chams to start drinking, so it varies with each one. I personally have my mistking set at 4x a day for 2 minutes, but have seen members on here mist for as long as 5 minutes each session. You mentioned that you are now misting for 16...
  11. ChamDE86

    Male or female?

    I don't know if it's just the angle, but I blew up the picture and can definitely see a slight bulge on the tail. I'm with Carol on this.
  12. ChamDE86

    Repashy Superpig and veilds

    I use Dinofuel Raptor Edition, but only own one cham, so I really don't know if it enhances color. He did have some wicked reds growing up though.
  13. ChamDE86

    Why give them vitamin spikes?

    1) 1 year 2) Male Ambilobe 1.5 years 3) Dust with Repashy's Calcium Plus at every feeding. 5-6 times when he was younger and now 3-4 since he's being fed every other day. Only his hard-bodied feeders get dusted. I usually leave the soft bodied feeders as is or dust with Dinofuel. I've attached a...
  14. ChamDE86

    Dubia Question - Is this a molt or a death?

    I too just had a mass dubia death occur. I got them approximately a year ago and I think it was just time for the adults to die off. It really felt like I went from having thousands to only a few hundred.
  15. ChamDE86

    Panther feed schedule- What you think?

    I do the exact same thing having to sneak dubia roaches in his mouth, lol! It's his least favorite feeder, but I don't spoil him and give him what he wants all the time.
  16. ChamDE86

    Cutting out crickets?

    I feed them as treats, so maybe 3-4 butterworms a week. They are a bit fatty, but it's fine as long as other feeders are being mixed in.
  17. ChamDE86

    Cutting out crickets?

    You can add butterworms and superworms to your list. They both are very low maintenance to care for and will last you several months. My guy doesn't really like Dubia roaches, so I have to keep crickets around. It really hasn't been too bad though since I switched over to banded crickets. They...
  18. ChamDE86

    Petco/Petsmart exposed!

    I am usually not one to assume anything, but I find it difficult to believe that Petco was clueless in the matter. I hope this brings more light into Petco's treatment of their animals. Maybe something positive will come out of all this, maybe not. Absolutely agree 100% with you on PETA having...
  19. ChamDE86

    Petco/Petsmart exposed!

    I just read that Petco/Petsmart is discontinuing their relationship with its pet supplier due to animal abuse. I don't think any of this comes as a surprise to any of us, given how we've seen the treatment of animals at our own local Petco. If anything, I honestly believe they knew all of this...
  20. ChamDE86

    Advice please - eye problem

    It's quite possible that he may be suffering from an eye infection and need eye drops from the vet, but as I mentioned before, keep an eye out to see if it worsen. Try the shower method a couple of times a day and we'll go from there. You will see them bulge their eye out to clean them, but if...
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