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  1. Repti

    New cham.

    She is a very nice looking chameleon though and might not be a bad idea to keep her and learn how to take care of her if that’s what you like
  2. Repti

    Malthe th

    Said by an established member :D
  3. Repti

    Vanilla Gorilla Gutload...In search of a name!

    Bug feeder frenzy= your best friend forever
  4. Repti

    Vanilla Gorilla Gutload...In search of a name!

    Can you tell us who the contestants are as in the people who came up with those 5 names
  5. Repti

    Lighting for a 72x30x30

    Do I need to get the long bulb and if so how long and what, about lighting do I need for the plants?
  6. Repti

    Lighting for a 72x30x30

    Oh sorry should had mentioned that, it’s a male juvenile vailed chameleon.
  7. Repti

    Lighting for a 72x30x30

    I am planning on either making or buying a 72x30x30 screen enclosure but what type of lighting would I need for a cage that size?
  8. Repti

    HUGE poop

    All those non-digestible cricket parts had to come out eventually and if you feed big then the bigger the poop
  9. Repti

    Red Spot of Mouth

    When he opens his mouth do you see it on his lips or inside his mouth
  10. Repti

    Mantis Ooths: Cham Food+Enclosure maintenance

    She does look like she has eggs in her belly
  11. Repti

    Got a new veiled chameleon last night! First time!

    He has a good video showing you step by step and it’s not that complicated at all.
  12. Repti

    Suggested supplemental feeders

    There really isn’t much you can breed other then crickets, roaches and meal/super worms
  13. Repti

    What do you think my little body bloodline is?

    And how big of an impact does the female have in the color and size if the offsprings
  14. Repti

    What do you think my little body bloodline is?

    How likely are the offsprings of a male vailed chameleon would look like the sire
  15. Repti

    Thank You!

    You’ve been helping a lot of people on this forum you deserve a break and hope you come back soon.
  16. Repti

    Got a new veiled chameleon last night! First time!

    And if you build your own you can go as big as you like :D
  17. Repti

    Got a new veiled chameleon last night! First time!

    If you are looking for a cheap yet really good cage go to that links you directly to a minimum size enclosure that is cheap yet very good and it’s on sale right now.
  18. Repti

    Veiled Cham, broken legs?

    The only thing you should buy from petco/petsmart is anything that is not live, I wouldn’t even buy feeders from them.
  19. Repti

    Favorite plant

    What is your chameleon’s favorite plant to eat
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