Red Spot of Mouth


New Member
I just noticed a couple days ago that my Jackson has a red spot on his mouth? He sets under the heat lamp all day. I just noticed that he tries to scratch it on the vine. Any ideas on what this could be? Thanks!
Yes that is exactly what it looks like. He is pretty camera shy. But I will try. Thanks for the help. Is there any thing you can do for it or will it just go away?
This is a little closer picture. One thing I do remember is he had a cricket leg in the side of his mouth after he got done eating. Could that have cut him or something? The red part it really hard. So it’s like scab. I took a cue tip with warm water and kinda touched around.


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Could be a cut that got infected, it appears to be a bit forward of where I would expect his temporal gland to be. I can’t prove or disprove the gland without a pic of his open mouth.

Doesn’t really matter if it’s an infected cut, moth rot, or an infected temporal gland because all three of them require a vet visit. He needs a vet.
Unfortunately I don’t have a exotic vet around me. But we do have a animal clinic in town. But if they can’t help do you have a suggestions on vets that I could call?
Unfortunately I don’t have a exotic vet around me. But we do have a animal clinic in town. But if they can’t help do you have a suggestions on vets that I could call?

You can also look here:

That being said, the way I found my Cham vet was by reading the veterinarian bios at the clinic website. Come to find out my vet did her dissertation on Chams and did quite a lot of other research. It’s worth digging around. Also, if he can handle a drive and you can always contact one of the university’s veterinary school clinics. Good luck!
Thank you! Really appreciate it. I won’t be able to call untill Tuesday is there anything I could do untill then. To make him feed?
Thank you! Really appreciate it. I won’t be able to call untill Tuesday is there anything I could do untill then. To make him feed?

When was the last time you *know* he ate? Water is typically more important than food over a span of a few days; my Cham has gone on hunger strikes for 3-4 days at a time and she is fine. Check his Urates, if they are orange or yellow, that’s more pressing than food right now
It’s probably been 4 days but he has been drinking quite a bit all those days.
I will have to defer to some of the more experienced Cham keepers on this one, but if I were in your position I would focus on keeping him hydrated. Maybe add some liquid calcium to the misting water, as well.
I have a appointment at 1:15 tomorrow. She said they might have to kinda sedate him so they can get his mouth open? Anybody have a chameleon go under? Do they do alright?
I have a appointment at 1:15 tomorrow. She said they might have to kinda sedate him so they can get his mouth open? Anybody have a chameleon go under? Do they do alright?
It’s always risky with chams, since they’re so small. I’d ask @jannb
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