A feeder colony of roaches is a bad idea in a bioactive or any other setup really. For one, part of the reason we gutload is because we want to use the insect as a vessel for the things our cham needs to eat. In other words, you feed your roaches what you would want your chameleons eating. In a...
If you are referring to the white stripes like fancyraptor asked, those are a normal part of a young Veiled's coloration. Could you please fill out the how to ask for help form under the health clinic section of this forum?
Pallid roaches can climb and reproduce very quickly from what I've read. It would be possible to keep feeders living with the cham but I don't really think the amount of work it would take to keep the population steady/ supplement/ gutload is worth not having to open the cage door once in a while.
Friday, June 30th
The cage is now completely done! Terrible timing though, because I am going to Kansas City for the weekend. I will get better pics later today.
I named my cham Clay because I thought he was going to look orange like clay in Tennessee (he's from the flchams Naval bloodline so I thought he'd be like his dad) but I was very off on my guess!
The tree method only involves a tree outside the cage to make the cham feel safer. Picking them up is something that takes time. I recommend just putting a tree outside and not bothering the cham for now, because as perryny said, it could end the same way.
Here is a list of plants I have used with success:
Dracaena (tree)
Ficus Alli
Coleus (Very bad climbing plant but very pretty)
Parlor Palm
Here are some plants that aren't as common that I like:
Rattlesnake Plant (Calathea)
Nepenthes sp. (Pitcher Plant)
N. Exaltata...
Wednesday, June 28th
I haven't gotten much done on the cage as it is pretty much finished and my carpet might need replacing because of a storm, so clay is moved to the room next to mine. On a better note, I'm going to start raising pallid and red goblin roaches.