I discovered mine doing that this morning. He's in his outdoor enclosure, so no lights or anything, just an open top. Thing is, the sun hadn't even come around to his side yet. But it is so hot, so that had to be it. It got to 98° today in the St. Louis area, so I'm guessing even in the...
I just tried something new that worked really well, so I thought I'd share...
A Gallon-sized Ziploc bag with a dozen or so holes punched in a side, then filled with water and laid on the top of the cage, makes a lovely rain shower.
I used a push pin, but I'll use a needle next time, some of...
I'll be making a feeding bin adjustment here shortly. I needed to make a cage capable of sustaining for a week when I go out of town at the end of the month.
So far, I haven't had a problem with escapees. The cup I use is actually a bird feeder bowl that hooks on the side of the cage. I...
I'll move it inside through the winter. He's a little unsure of it right now, but I think when the sun comes out, he'll love it!
I've got a Palm, Star Jasmine, Hibiscus, and a Schefflera. As soon as I get some Petunias transplanted, those will go in too. The rest is fake.
I'm currently building my own, and it is the easiest project I've ever tackled. Now, maybe a pro would scoff at little bends in the wood, but it's going to fit my needs. The only tools I've needed are a drill for the screws, a staple gun for the screen/hardware cloth, and a small jig saw for...