Yes you can keep it in a dome. What i did was used a 60 watt bulb and put it in the dome, and used dowels to prop the light about 4 inches from the top of the cage and from his basking spot its about 7 inches. I originally tried a 75 watt bulb and it was making his basking spot like 110 degrees...
Dont use any of the color bulbs like red or blue. A regular white household bulb will work fine for heating. I personally use a 60 watt house bulb and it works perfect. Other people use a 75 watt bulb. I personally wouldnt use a 100 watt.
Im pretty sure if you hold down the two buttons that are the arrows to go up and down it will reset it. Atleast i think so. One time mine just froze and when i restarted it it was fine. Hope this helps. That really sucks
Has anyone actually got bit by a cham?? Lol ive never heard of anyone on here that has but im curious to how it would feel. That being said, im not going to find out on purpose lol
Hey there, my cham will go down to his sleeping spot up to a few hours before his lights go out. While hes down there he doesnt sleep and will drink when the mister comes on. He usually goes down there after he basks for a while. I think its a way of regulating their temp and getting ready to...
Hey everyone, i was just wondering how many hours your chams go to their sleeping spot before the lights turn off? My cham usually gets up, roams the cage most of the morning and eats and drinks. Then basks for a lot of the evening and then heads down to his sleep spot about 2 to 3 hours before...
He ate about 8 crickets today, climbed all over the cage. Basked right under the heat bulb (not to worry, its elevated from the top of the cage). Drank plenty of water and actually ate from my hand (: