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  1. BKO Overdrive

    Ficus Trees and Automatic Misters

    Oh thats a good idea. Like a double fail safe, forgot to mention I did set it like that. The monsoon when the power is pulled will revert back to the last setting you had. So what i did was set it to "cycle" mode and unplugged it. Now when it comes on i set the dial to spray aprox 45 min and...
  2. BKO Overdrive

    Ficus Trees and Automatic Misters

    I also got this: Reason i did was because if you notice, the monsoon can only be set by intervals, it has no real timer. So lets say...
  3. BKO Overdrive

    Ficus Trees and Automatic Misters

    @Orcawhale I know its not the best drawing, but maybe this will help, discard the splitter and do a strait connection
  4. BKO Overdrive

    Ficus Trees and Automatic Misters

    I have the same system....instead of hooking two nozzles into the splitter.....just hook one nozzle directly into it, ill draw a half a** diagram please hold lol
  5. BKO Overdrive

    OH MY GOD!!!

    Thats that mulberry farms says to do, put them in a ice chest and put a freezer pack next to them but not touching them. Sadly i read all this to late and i didnt know how to get rid of them, they were so fat they borderline have cheetos puffs a run for there money, they had all there food but i...
  6. BKO Overdrive

    Exo Terra XL terrarium

    I know a combo wouldnt be bad, such as glass on the front and back with mesh sides, but if its all glass. Id use it if it was very cold or you had humidity problems
  7. BKO Overdrive

    Exo Terra XL terrarium

    Its situational, some people have to use glass because its too cold or humidity is hard to control, in which case its needed. If you can use a mesh system where you are at then I would. But yes there are some story's about vent issues causing URI's and what not.
  8. BKO Overdrive

    Female or male?

    Looks Female to me, but im not expert
  9. BKO Overdrive

    OH MY GOD!!!

    ive had them for 1 week but im blown away with how massive they are, Goliath worm for a name is no joke
  10. BKO Overdrive

    OH MY GOD!!!

    @LindsayG I have 4 horn worms that got WAYYY too big. maybe almost the size of the cham body lol. When would they turn into a moth you think? They are still eating the food and growing i have no idea how to dispatch them.
  11. BKO Overdrive

    OH MY GOD!!!

    Oh yeah you will be fine, he/she will gobble it up, just feed it close to your cham, they have a very strong grip and if you make them shoot there tongue out too far it could injure it. If you cant feed your cham by hand just stick it on the vine close to them, if they hit it with there tongue...
  12. BKO Overdrive

    Good store bought cricket feed???help

    @Crashbandit05 do you mix yours with water or feed it dry?
  13. BKO Overdrive

    OH MY GOD!!!

    Ive been using mulberry farms, get 25 of them at around a inch a piece for I want to say around 11.95, they come in there own growing cup. You flip the cup upside down and the poop on the lid and the food is stuck to the top. Its amazing how simple yet effective it is. at 12$ for 25 your paying...
  14. BKO Overdrive

    Good store bought cricket feed???help

    I use cricket crack and its been really good
  15. BKO Overdrive

    New Ambanja staying brown?

    Im no expert by any means, but in the last pic it looks like if almost hes trying to warm his side up, i know they will go a darker color to absorb more heat and i see hes under his basking lamp. I dont see anything wrong
  16. BKO Overdrive

    Veiled Update

    Its best to feed them in the first half of the day, does it have to be exactly first half, not really. But i work 8-5, so i make my chams lights go on at 645 i wake up at 650. and I feed her at 730. Give her time to wake up and move around then i feed her the 10 crickets and shes good the rest...
  17. BKO Overdrive

    Veiled Update

    Yep looks good so far, I also got this starter kit when i first got my female. Idk about how your funds are but mine really liked the large dripper plant that exoterra sells. It fits perfectly in that medium cage and i made the vines go next to it so she could drink. In the pic its on the right...
  18. BKO Overdrive

    UVB Light Strength

    My local petco has those lights and fictures and I did a quick search and aprently it messed with the eyes of the chams, i dont know if this has been fixed but it scared me enough to return it. I just upgraded to a 2x2x4 (XL) ft coming from a medium cage and the small compact reptisun 5.0 i got...
  19. BKO Overdrive

    Escapee Cricket Life Expectancy

    I got scared of this so i do all of it outside lol. night i was washing the dishes and one came from the sink drain. But to answer your question. Id say a week.
  20. BKO Overdrive

    Snack time shots and a teaser

    Yeah the female cham is so pretty
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