Veiled Update

My new veiled seems to be in good health, has a very good appetite. No problem hand feeding, cup feeding, or hunting the free roamers. he does still seem a little stressed out by me, he puffs up a little bit and makes a little noise and turns slightly striped black. I hand feed him every day, multiple times. Ive been sitting near his cage while im in my room so maybe he can get used to me being here. He doesnt seem to love his mistking, i assume hes just getting used to it still. his enclosure definitely needs more plant and coverage but im waiting on an order so that will change soon. and i still have not named him lol im trying to find a name that fits well that i like. oh and also he his urates and poop are normal. IMG_3737.JPG IMG_3738.JPG
Yep looks good so far, I also got this starter kit when i first got my female. Idk about how your funds are but mine really liked the large dripper plant that exoterra sells. It fits perfectly in that medium cage and i made the vines go next to it so she could drink. In the pic its on the right hand side. Dont forget when he gets older you will have to get a bigger cage. Mine started to get stressed out around the 6-7 month mark. Tossed her in a XL Reptibreeze cage and shes been happy since


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Takes time for them to get used to misters. Mine still isn't quite used to it considering I got him from a pet store which I don't possibly think they used one. Definetly need more foliage which is good you know you do. How much is he eating per day? And when do you feed him?
Takes time for them to get used to misters. Mine still isn't quite used to it considering I got him from a pet store which I don't possibly think they used one. Definetly need more foliage which is good you know you do. How much is he eating per day? And when do you feed him?
He is eating between 5-10 dusted crickets and a few mealworms, i usually hand feed him around lunch time, so around noon. and i leave a few roamers in the cage that he eats all of them through the rest of the day. I dont feed him after about 5-6 because his lights go off at 9 and i know he needs heat and digestion time. I do start school in August so ill be feeding him more around 7 or 8am and my parents work from home so ill have them check in and feed him around lunch as ive been doing. not sure if thats right or not so id love to hear some feeding schedule advice.
Its best to feed them in the first half of the day, does it have to be exactly first half, not really. But i work 8-5, so i make my chams lights go on at 645 i wake up at 650. and I feed her at 730. Give her time to wake up and move around then i feed her the 10 crickets and shes good the rest of the day. Been doing this for a few months and nothing has gone wrong
He is eating between 5-10 dusted crickets and a few mealworms, i usually hand feed him around lunch time, so around noon. and i leave a few roamers in the cage that he eats all of them through the rest of the day. I dont feed him after about 5-6 because his lights go off at 9 and i know he needs heat and digestion time. I do start school in August so ill be feeding him more around 7 or 8am and my parents work from home so ill have them check in and feed him around lunch as ive been doing. not sure if thats right or not so id love to hear some feeding schedule advice.

10-15 is a good amount with the meal worms included. I wake up at 9:00 and turn on Atlas' lights, then around 10:00 feed him around 8-10 crickets which he will eat and go bask after for. Around 1-2 I'll give him some super worms (around 3-4). Once its 5 I feed him again, around another 5-8 crickets and his lights go off at 9pm. He digests perfectly fine because once he finishes his food at 5 he goes straight to the basking lamp.
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