You don't want to use any of the red or blue bulbs (or any "bulb" really) at night. Even the bulbs that say they are for night and it won't disturb your animal will not work for chameleons. Basically, if you can see light coming off of it, your chameleon will and it will disturb her/him. If...
Well, that is a good question. I hope I'm not leading you astray! Maybe someone else can chime in and clarify. I've had my panther for a little over 5 months (hes 9 months old now) and I've been doing roughly 12 hours a day so I hope I'm right just to know Merlin is getting proper care as...
I leave both on the same timer and they run for a little under 12 hours a day. Basically 12 hours give or take depending on the time of year, try increase/decrease slightly to match what is going on outside within reason. Remember they are probably closer to the equator than you so it wouldn't...
When your chameleon goes to the bathroom there will be a fecal portion (brown) and urate portion. The urates should be white, which shows that they well hydrated. If the urates are orange/yellow that is a sign that they are not getting enough water. Good luck! This is a great place to get...
Letting the base glue cure so I can glue the sides up tightly and not have it shift the bottom as I pull it tight. Then I'll bring the walls cover over the liner so that water cannot get behind/under it.
Congrats!!! My wife got to see my guy before me too and it doesn't seem fair! haha Mine even went onto her hand and I was sooooo jealous since she got to hold him first! Good luck with your new guy, so exciting! Can't wait to see pictures of your panther!!!