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  1. Theveiled

    My chameleon won't hasn't ate for a few days, and I'm concerned. Any help is welcome.

    She looks good to me from the picture but I would highly recommend a fecal just to check and see if parasites are a problem. Another large possibility is that because you got her recently she still may be getting adjusted to her new home. I would just try to monitor her and see if her appetite...
  2. Theveiled

    My chameleon won't hasn't ate for a few days, and I'm concerned. Any help is welcome.

    press upload a file, its at the bottom right and then from there you should be able to upload your picture
  3. Theveiled

    Ambanja Cham

    Have you looked at kammerflage creations? AKA
  4. Theveiled

    My chameleon won't hasn't ate for a few days, and I'm concerned. Any help is welcome.

    Could you post a picture of her? you will only need to use calcium WITH d3 2 times a month along with a multivitamin 2 times a month. all the rest of the feedings should be dusted with calcium WITHOUT d3. what does the slurry contain? have you ever gotten a fecal done for her?
  5. Theveiled

    Taming a veiled?

    You can leave her cage open, and see if she comes out to explore. Once she sees she likes outside her cage she may continue to come out. This is what I did to tame my male. I got him at 5 months old and really mean. About 2 months later he showed huge personality change. This is just my...
  6. Theveiled

    Receptive? Gravid?

    I would definitely say she needs a laying bin asap. I dont have much female experience but @jannb should be able to help
  7. Theveiled

    Male veiled enclosure

    For a veiled, live is better because sometimes they like to munch on it and it hold humidity a lot better. Pothos grow pretty fast. Walmart carries large house plants too, and some are cham safe
  8. Theveiled

    Male veiled enclosure

    I would add more foliage. How far is thr basking branch from the uvb light?
  9. Theveiled

    Update. Where to go from here

    As for the mbd, I dont have experience treating it, so others will have to chime in
  10. Theveiled

    Update. Where to go from here

    Mist the cage completely and if it lands on him that is perfectly fine! You want to mist throughly as some take minutes to start drinking (like mine)
  11. Theveiled

    5 month old panther feeding

    To give you peace of mind you can go to a reptile vet with cham experience and have a fecal done. My cham wouldnt eat and it ended up he had coccidia, which causes anorexia and stunted growth. You can order roaches and other feeders online by the way(y)
  12. Theveiled

    Cup feeding vs free ranging

    I hand feed most of my feeders, but sometimes I leave him a cup if food to eat when I am at school. He only eats his supers when the are on the side of the screen though:confused:
  13. Theveiled

    5 month old panther feeding

    Have you tried small dubia roaches? I have also found that my cham will not eat superworms unless I put them on the side of the screen. I will put them and roaches in his feeding cup for when I am at school and he will eat all the roaches but not the supers. As soon as I put them on the screen...
  14. Theveiled

    5 month old panther feeding

    Large crickets? I would go for small maybe medium. He is probably to full to eat anything else. The feeder size should be about the width of the top of the head
  15. Theveiled

    Is my veiled a male or female and how is it looking

    He could be younger though. How long is he?
  16. Theveiled

    Is my veiled a male or female and how is it looking

    Compared to your finger I would say 2ish months. That is just an estimate though. He is very tiny
  17. Theveiled

    Is my veiled a male or female and how is it looking

    You can try to heavily mist the spot with LUKE WARM water (be careful that its not too hot!) And see if it loosens up. Some other members that may be able to help: @jannb @Andee @Remkon @alphakenc
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