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  1. I

    Larger isopod species?

    There used to be a guy who sold them on Ebay and facebook I think his name was Bill and his last name started with a Y. I saw the other day cape cod roaches sells them too.
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    First Lateralis hatching now

    what country are you in?
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    First Lateralis hatching now

    I dont know why but I was very excited to find the first little nymph today.
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    First Lateralis hatching now

    I dont know why but I was very excited to find the first little nymph today.
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    Larger isopod species?

    If you start a culture of the powder blues and just leave them alone for a couple of months, you'll have some to feed off every week. Just have to keep some moisture with a spray bottle (don't need too much), fish flakes/leaves for food, and a piece of bark to hide under.
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    Top hat crickets, experience?

    I would put the adults in something else with a small container of moist substrate and get your next order free :)
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    Larger isopod species?

    The only isopods that bred fast enough to use as food for me were the powder blues. They are about the same size as the regular orange isopods but breed a lot faster. They aren't big tho about the same size as the average isopod you'd find under a rock
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    Top hat crickets, experience?

    I remember seeing their ads eons ago. I had no idea they were still in business, I am sure they will be fine.
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    Red Runners

    So I recently bought around 1500 red runners and I am getting ootheca. I do not have a substrate so wondering if I need to move the ootheca onto something moist or is there generally enough humidity in a roach bin to develop? Furthermore, I am curious if anyone has been using them for a year...
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    Not Breeding Dubia

    Yes, you can for sure develop an allergy to a great many things after repeated exposures. I know someone who became very allergic to mangos and ended up in the ER with swollen lips like you wouldn't believe and felt like she was having trouble breathing from a mango salsa. She had no idea she...
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    Not Breeding Dubia

    Dubia don't really get loose very easily unless you literally drop them and given there are thousands and thousands of keepers breeding and feeding them, I can safely say there are not an infestation species or you'd hear horror stories right and left. Furthermore, dubia are a pretty slow...
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    Got A Bad Batch Of Crickets

    I've had good luck with Bassets so thats another one worth looking into if anyone runs into issues with their current supplier. Bare in mind that if there is too much moisture a the chances of a cricket die off will skyrocket. They have to have water to drink from but you otherwise want to keep...
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    WC insects parasites?

    It is possible that a reptile kept outside could come into contact with parasites from other animal droppings in the water or soil. They could also get parasites from an insect but man of those would have an indirect lifecycle and/or your reptile would not be a suitable host. Some parasites are...
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    Wanting to get rid of my crickets

    At least in my experience, the banded crickets don't stink as long as the container they are in is ventilated and you don't have excess moisture. They need a water source, some people use water crystals but I use 8oz deli cups cut down to only a 1/4" or so tall with a paper towel folded in it to...
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