Larger isopod species?


Chameleon Enthusiast
Besides giant canyon isopods, anyone have recommendations for species that would be worth feeding. Even if just for throw several as a snack. I really like the giant canyons, but they take awhile to reach full size(I think up to 3 years for complete maturity). Obviously the dwarf white and purple species are too small to feed off, but looking for anything closer in size to the canyons.
I've wondered this, too. My reading has implicated the Spanish isopods as having the largest species (I think GCIs are in this distinction?). Porcellio magnificus and Porcellio hoffmannseggi are two that I've heard get fairly large, too. Don't know about price or time to reach full size, though! I even have some giant oranges which could work as a treat for smaller species or young'ns
Yeah I was thinking of getting some giant oranges as the occasional small treat and added CuC. Looked at the Spanish species you mentioned and they are said to get up to 2"?! That's crazy. Would love to find those, they seem to be extremely rare though and very expensive(saw them listed out of stock on different sites for around ~170 dollars)
The only isopods that bred fast enough to use as food for me were the powder blues. They are about the same size as the regular orange isopods but breed a lot faster. They aren't big tho about the same size as the average isopod you'd find under a rock
I guess the best thing to do would be to have several isopod cultures and rotate feeding from each. I believe isopods, snails, and bsfl to be the highest calcium feeders.
If you start a culture of the powder blues and just leave them alone for a couple of months, you'll have some to feed off every week. Just have to keep some moisture with a spray bottle (don't need too much), fish flakes/leaves for food, and a piece of bark to hide under.
That's what I been doing with my giant canyons and it works great. I rarely feed them and they still reproduce. Know anywhere that sells the powder blues? I think I'm going to work on an isopod collection. They're a pretty underrated feeder imo
There used to be a guy who sold them on Ebay and facebook I think his name was Bill and his last name started with a Y. I saw the other day cape cod roaches sells them too.
Just saw this, capecodroaches is out of stock, but I saw a few other spots. I wish I could find those Spanish ones somewhere.
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