At least yours moves when you get close to its cage, mine just puffs up and hisses and tries to bite me, I'll have him one week tomorrow and wanted to start to handle him but hes shedding and dont want to interupt his process of shedding -.- in a nut shell mines a butt this is my other thread with pics of him (yes it says female but everyone says male so i went with it) ill upload one of his cage
I just got him this past monday 3/24 and im giving him as much space as possible, he has lunged/headbutt me and tried biting me, I gave him some worms today, left him alone and he ate every single one of them, I'm not trying to handle him a all until he is settled in, my biggest problem i think...
He doesnt move from the spot though, he is always up in the top left corner in the back of the cage, when its night time then he comes to the center of the cage but then when it is day time he goes back to the corner
So can i just put what i have right now, being superworms, in his cage and just let them roam the cage(on the walls) and see if he will eat that way? I also noticed that he is still shedding a little bit around his mouth, would that be why hes aggressive also?
Now what if he opens his mouth? Sign of aggression or what? Hes already almost bit me earlier and giving him a few worms but he still wont eat any is it because of me being there or is he just not hungry?
As said in the post i got her monday and was told not to touch her not only from the pet store but from LLL as well and just to let her settle in, How do i go about setting up a feeder cup???