New chameleon

Not feed her (or him) for a week? Bizarre advice! Set the cage up, don't fuss with it too much, mist often, and offer food in a container so he can watch the feeders move around and climb over to by himself and shoot if he wants. You can confine the feeders in a plastic deli container, a plastic box, or a deep bowl.

How would i set the feeder cup up though? Thats my biggest problem right now
You must be looking at the wrong thing because I can clearly see a spur on that back foot. That is a male.

When she starts to move more I'll be able to tell if theres a spur, but from the view i have im not seeing any type of spur
You won't have a healthy cham if you only feed it one type of insect regardless what type it is. Plan on using a variety of insects including crickets, superworms, reptiworms, silkworms, hornworms, roaches, and flies. You will need to feed all these insects too.

what would i feed the worms?
I have offered her food many times throughout the day and she seems not interested in it, shes staying in the corner on her vine but thats it :/

Many times chameleons will not eat with you watching or present. I would leave a feeder cup for him and check back in a few hours. There is also the possibility that he is sick, have you had a fecal test done?
Many times chameleons will not eat with you watching or present. I would leave a feeder cup for him and check back in a few hours. There is also the possibility that he is sick, have you had a fecal test done?

As said in the post i got her monday and was told not to touch her not only from the pet store but from LLL as well and just to let her settle in, How do i go about setting up a feeder cup???
When she starts to move more I'll be able to tell if theres a spur, but from the view i have im not seeing any type of spur

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As said in the post i got her monday and was told not to touch her not only from the pet store but from LLL as well and just to let her settle in, How do i go about setting up a feeder cup???

I would let it settle in, but it will probably not be happy going a week without food, and I am sure that LLL reptile did not tell you to not feed it for a week. Setting one up is quite easy. You just put bugs in some container that is not clear and position it in the cage so that it can see into it. You can secure it by wrapping a vine around it, or attaching it to the side of the cage. You could bend a coat hanger so that it holds the cup and rests outside the cage, or whatever you prefer. Whatever you do, make sure there are not any sharp objects inside the cage that it could cut itself on.
Yes, you have a male veiled. A name change may be in order lol

It is not good advise to not feed your Cham for a week. At that age they need lots of food and can consume 20 plus feeders a day. I would highly advise you to get some small crickets. Worms don't move around as much and sometimes do not entice younger chameleons.

There are plenty of pictures of feeding cups on this site if you just do a quick search. Some of them are quite elaborate.

The need to leave them alone when you get them refers to holding them. If you need to put your hand in the cage to fasten a feeding cup or something he will be fine. I suggest getting some crickets and throwing them in the enclosure and leaving him alone. They can take 2-4 weeks to get used to the cage. At that age they need food everyday.
I would let it settle in, but it will probably not be happy going a week without food, and I am sure that LLL reptile did not tell you to not feed it for a week. Setting one up is quite easy. You just put bugs in some container that is not clear and position it in the cage so that it can see into it. You can secure it by wrapping a vine around it, or attaching it to the side of the cage. You could bend a coat hanger so that it holds the cup and rests outside the cage, or whatever you prefer. Whatever you do, make sure there are not any sharp objects inside the cage that it could cut itself on.

Actually they did tell me that about the food, and this is my first chameleon so im trying to.get as much help as possible on it

Yep, 100% male :)

I've raised veiled Chams for over 16 years, and that is 100% definitely a male. The spurs are the little bumps behind his feet, there not spurs like you would see on a rooster. LOL I wouldn't wait a week to feed him. Make sure you are misting him, and maybe a drip system could be as simple as a disposable cup with a small hole in it. :)

Nope don't be worried if she is a new chameleon it can take a couple of weeks for her to get use to you. try starting by just slowly putting your hand near her and keep it there for 5 minutes every couple of days and if she does go to bite don't give in by taking your hand away. because she can get to know that every time she goes to bite, you leave her alone. Just let her get to know that your not going to hurt her. Chameleons are quite a shy reptile and for the first month or so they will hide.

I hate to disagree and if by doing so it offends you please accept my apologies. If you put your hand towards a Veiled chameleon that is all fired up, and mad to the point he is snapping at you. Then I would exercise extreme caution. I agree that the majority of the time they are mostly bark, but the occasional one will light you up. Trust me I know this from experience, and if you have ever took a hit from one of these guys you wouldn't advising her to keep her hand there. It hurts cut the blood ouch!!:eek:

I would just give it time they usually come around, but sometimes they are just aggressive they each have their own personality just like you and me. I've raised them for over 16 years, and own several, and only about half were what I would consider friendly. The most important thing is to let them be in control, never go in over top of him and pick him up he will think you are a predator going to eat him.
Now what if he opens his mouth? Sign of aggression or what? Hes already almost bit me earlier and giving him a few worms but he still wont eat any is it because of me being there or is he just not hungry?
Yeah, if you are standing there waiting for him to eat, he may just be stressed. I would put the food in the cage and let him be. Don't put in too many, so you can remember the number and see if any are gone. Chameleons are shy as you probably know and just need their space when you first get them. If he is healthy, he will eat.

Yeah, if you are standing there waiting for him to eat, he may just be stressed. I would put the food in the cage and let him be. Don't put in too many, so you can remember the number and see if any are gone. Chameleons are shy as you probably know and just need their space when you first get them. If he is healthy, he will eat.

I agree you just need to put the food in the enclosure give him space. His mouth being open can definitely be a sign of aggression, especially if his colors are intense, he is puffed up, and hissing. Now if he does this when not threatened it could mean he is too hot, but I think we're talking about the latter here.

The best thing for you to do is calm down, and relax you will get through this.:D
I agree you just need to put the food in the enclosure give him space. His mouth being open can definitely be a sign of aggression, especially if his colors are intense, he is puffed up, and hissing. Now if he does this when not threatened it could mean he is too hot, but I think we're talking about the latter here.

The best thing for you to do is calm down, and relax you will get through this.:D

I have other pets and handle my brothers ball python so im just scared ill screw something up
Go to the Search Tab up top, and type in "Feeder Cup". Take someones idea and set one up. If you only trying to feed him when your present, and hes not eating, its mostly because you are right in front of him. Put food in a cup and let him alone for a few hours.

It takes a long time to build trust with male chameleons if you dont have them from when they are young. In his mind you are nothing but a big scary predator, even though you love him and want the best for him.

Get some crickets, dubia, silks etc and feed away.

Hes a growing boy and needs his food!
So can i just put what i have right now, being superworms, in his cage and just let them roam the cage(on the walls) and see if he will eat that way? I also noticed that he is still shedding a little bit around his mouth, would that be why hes aggressive also?
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