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  1. B

    Calcium and D3 HELP

    can't help you with why you should give them calcium without d3, but I can tell you were to get some.
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    Newbie with questions

    I just went through something similar. I got a new jackson, and he wouldn't eat either. I'm a newbie as well, so I flipped out too! For mine though, it was just a matter of time. He started eating regularly a few days ago. I think they just have to get used to their new home. Just keep trying...
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    Wow Slik JiM, sounds like you really have it down. I like the idea of putting him in the footwell with a black cloth above him. I think I may try that, but the only issue I see is that I'm taking my two cats with me as well. I always let them roam around the car because if they can't see what's...
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    OK, I'm getting ready to take my cham Wilson on a trip tomorrow or the day after, and I wanna make sure I do this right! So, Malicious, you said I should keep him warm with a heating pack. What's the ideal temp? Also, how do I make him go to sleep? Just put him in the dark for a while? What...
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    trying to escape??

    aw, poor little guy. I ordered a screen cage a few days ago, so hopefully it will be here soon!
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    Chams and orchids

    You can repot them, but you have to wait until there are enough healthy roots growing from them. I've never had a keiki, so I'm not the best person to ask about them, but there is a forum where you can find some great information and people who can give you advice. It's, check it...
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    Chams and orchids

    You can grow them from seeds, but it's extremely hard. You have to have sterilized flaskes and it takes years. There is a vegetative way, but you can't just cut off a piece and grow it. A keiki is when a plant produces it's own little baby. I've never had one before, but I haven't been growing...
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    Chams and orchids

    That's a dendrobium you have pictured there, and I once spoke with someone who had an 6ft tall one. They are awesome plants. Thanks for the links!!!
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    trying to escape??

    My baby jackson's keeps trying to climb out of his cage, what does that mean? He goes up to one of the corners of his glass cage and just tries to climb up it. Of course he can't so he just continually slides back down, but that doesn't stop him. I can't figure out what he wants? any ideas?
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    Chams and orchids

    Are Orchids poisonous at all for chams? I grow orchids as another hobby, and some of them require the same conditions my cham does. I thought it might be cool to put one of my plants in his cage to grow, but I don't want to unless I know that they will both be safe. Thanks for any replies!
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    Lucky me!!!

    pictures please!
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    Crickets hurt eyes?

    :eek: Wow, I have so much to learn......The other day there was a cricket siting on my cham's head, and I thought it was cute......(beats head against wall!). I hope that he didn't hurt my cham. I will be much more vigilant from now on!!!! Thanks for info, very good to know.
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    How much light?

    The lights are about 6in away from where he sits, although, like I said, he keeps climbing onto the screen top. The repti glo i have is a linear bulb. is it still not the right thing? I can't post pictures, I don't have a camra.
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    How much light?

    I have a baby Jackson's, in a 1'x2'x16" glass cage. Right now I have two lights on him, a basking light, (75w sun Glo), and a uvb light, (15w repti glo). Is that enough? I thought it was but my little guy keeps climbing onto the screen top right under the lights like he is tring to get to them.
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    Crickets hurt eyes?

    how many crickets is too many crickets?? I can't seem to get my little guy to eat, there are always some in there. Does that mean that I should take out all the ones he hasn't touch before going to bed?
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    Jackson Eye bump?

    Poor little guy! I hope he's all right. Let's know what happens.
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    Crickets hurt eyes?

    Someone at the pet shop told me the other day that if you put too many crickets in their cage, the crickets can attack you cham.'s eyes. Is that true??:eek:
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    HR 669 - Nonnative Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act

    Now that the hearing is over, what's the next step in the process?
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    Upside down?

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    Upside down?

    How long can cham.s hang upside down?:confused:
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