This is my first experience with a chamelon shedding - he's only shedding around the crown of his head, eyes, and around his rostral horn. Below his mouth he's not shedding nor anywhere else - about 3 days into his shed.
is the shedding a slow process starting from the head or should he shed...
I'm thankful for a lot of things - most of which is having a job in this troubled economy --- the same job I'm stuck at today while so many people are able to enjoy time with their families
His cage really isn't movable without breaking it down. We're buying him a transportable cage since he's traveling with us for the holidays so we'll just wait until we get that to paint so we can move him temporarly.
I'm not sure what kind of primer she bought, but I'll definitely check to...
Dexter's are in the corner and pointed down into the cage. We don't have any problems with water running out. You can see how mine is set up here:
Hope you find something that works!
He's very handsome. Jackson's are awesome. I love my little guy. I plan on buying others, but it'll be hard for them to compete with Dexter. He's a very friendly boy.
My wife plans on painting the room Dexter is in this week. Are there any precautions that need to be made with chameleons? She will be using a primer. I'm concerned the fumes may harm him.
*** and I really wish she would stop posting under my name asking questions as if she...
sorry for double post ---
update - I didn't see him eat yesterday, he was being shy about it - but I got to watch him hit a cricket this morning. He nailed it dead on in one shot and didn't release
Dex is in the living room right now. We have a spare room that has become the storage room so we're going to clean that out and turn it into a reptile room whenever we get a spare day or two.
We have two betta fish that are in the kitchen.
The dogs (4) and cats (2) are free-roaming.
He's really beautiful!
Bolt looks like a great movie. Our kids are so excited about it. We'll probably take them opening night as a treat. :-)
We saw Madagascar 2 last Thursday, and I was hoping to see a chameleon in there some where, but they spent most of the movie in Africa. :/ It...
Shooting Short - Tongue Not Sticking
Cage Info:
* Cage Type - Screen, wood frame, foam rock board, aluminum window mesh for sides with plastic chicken screen for climbing, top of cage is hardwire cloth. 20x28x48
* Lighting - reptisun 5.0 18" with a 40 watt incandescent for heat...
I picked up some superworms earlier in the week to add some more variety to my Jackson's diet. I gave him one and it took him a bit to get it down and the thing fought the whole way. I'm a little nervous about giving him more, but I tried another and he didn't seem to want to have anything to...
I think the majority of users here use a plastic bottom in their cage - easier to maintain and they don't rot out. I've personally got some currogated plastic cut out for the bottom. Braces for support would definitely help.