Gears of War 2 for xbox 360


New Member
I'm going to be picking it up tomorrow night - midnight mayhem at walmart and was curious if anyone else was planning on getting this. It's been a while since I've played a good shooter game - played gow and graw2... a little bit of halo 3 before my kids tore up the disc. Hit me up in private for my xbl gamertag if you wanna throw down some this weekend.
ive had this for a few days now * friend works for microsoft*.. can't play it though, will lock out my xbox.
I found out that in order to do this midnight mayhem for it I've got to drive out of town - about an hour to gamestop vs our local walmart (which walmart's supposed to be part of it) --- sucks
GOT MY copy at gamestop last night at midnight, only played it for an hour or so but so far its looking pretty awesome!!!

wish i could fight a giant chameleon
GOT MY copy at gamestop last night at midnight, only played it for an hour or so but so far its looking pretty awesome!!!

wish i could fight a giant chameleon

Sorry for the double post, but have you played the campaign all the way through - whatcha think if so?

I finished it last night and I'll reserve my opinion for now - going to destroy some folks on multi tonight -- gotta wait for my Saints game to be over :p
still havent beatin campaign yet, will update when i do.

but so far i think the whole worm level is kinda lame.
i have a great online name.

A Stinky M0nkey lol

just finished act 4 last night and i have to say that was my favorite so far.
haha yes, im not alone. i got it at mid night. my name online is Gh3TToKniGHt on the word knight , change a couple of caps and your there. add me.
btw, has anyone beat the game yet, ive just beat it on insane, so im pretty much done. except for online.
I'm on chapter four act something on Insane. I keep getting pulled off into multiplayer stuff. I did get the Horde of Hordes achievement by beating all 50 hordes... that was actually easier than I thought it would be. I recall watching an interview with one of the devs who said they'd only gotten to level 40 and wanted to see if anyone could actually beat it. We did it on river - 4 in one of the barns shooting everything that came close and I was the tank with a shield standing at the door taking the beating.

my handle is JasonVoorheesXL
ill add u on friday when im actually allowed to beat it. i got the horde of all hordes too on rivers. i was the sniper/torque bower. i killed almost every locust on wave 50 using a snub nose and a sniper.
just beat the game last night on normal, yeah i know it was easy just dont have much time.

i thought the ending was very anti-climactic, come on, at least the first gears had a guy that shot at you.
I got to the sea monster level and my xbox broke. My warranty is up too. Guess I'll have to wait til I get a new xbox to beat the game.:confused::mad:
anyone who wants to play with me tonight, uve got my name. send me an n vite and ill be on at around 6pm Central time.
I've got some extra codes for the golden ham mer burst - hit me up if you want one

(broke it up a little so google wouldn't hit on it lol)
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