saw a commercial for national geograpich station here in michigan. next monday at 8 or 9. it has a good clip of what looks like a panther on it. though u might want to watch if you didnt know.
i was just about to ask this question. my female stopped eating yesterday and has started to shed. so it is typicall that there appetite subsides. also she seems to be really restless and wondering the tank a lot and rubbing up against the fake plants. i take it this is normal as well and she is...
just went up to the store and bought the only ficus they had in the store. from what i could find the leaves and plant look like the link below. i have read that most ficus's are generally safe, so i was going to go with that assumption. I am going to wait for the morning to put it in since i...
Ficus rubiginosa variegata
Just bought a ficus from the store and the best i can tell is that this is the variety. just wanted to make sure it was...
one is a repti glow 13 watt uvb 5.0. this gives off no heat and is cool to the touch. the other bulb is 75 watt halogen neodyium. this is for the basking spot as my house stays under 70 during the winter. i havent really seen them drinking any water yet. however when i had them in the smaller...
They kind of look like these.
Mt. Kenya Jacksons Chameleon (Chamaeleo (Trioceros) jacksonii jacksonii) Chameleons For Sale
But i am not to sure. is there any other way to tell? the "female" seems to have much smaller horns...
So i was noticing in your pic that one of the chameleons in ur pic has virtually no horns. both of mine have horns like the one in the back. hopefully this vendor didnt really get me and have me buy two males. :(
thanks for all of the help guys. how much does a fecal exam run usually? also i have the chameleons in my room. will watching tv and flicking the light on periodically be terrible for them? also how many 3/4 crickets a day should each chameleon eat?
yeah first chameleons. i have had geckos and anoles before when i was younger. and i bought few geckos the other day when i bought the ex tera tank. couldnt find any non-toxic live plants in my area at any of the store. (lowes, HD, meijer, walmart) ect. so i just grabbed a few sticks from behind...