jacksons chameleons

thanks for all of the help guys. how much does a fecal exam run usually? also i have the chameleons in my room. will watching tv and flicking the light on periodically be terrible for them? also how many 3/4 crickets a day should each chameleon eat?
they are indeed livebearing
@ferretinmyshoes i keep al my jacks thogether its a gentel species so you have to see for yourself look


they are happy no?

i just put them in sepperate cage's when she's pregnant

So i was noticing in your pic that one of the chameleons in ur pic has virtually no horns. both of mine have horns like the one in the back. hopefully this vendor didnt really get me and have me buy two males. :(
They kind of look like these.

Mt. Kenya Jacksons Chameleon (Chamaeleo (Trioceros) jacksonii jacksonii)

http://www.flchams.com/inventory_all.asp?id=1034&cham=Jacksons Chameleons For Sale

But i am not to sure. is there any other way to tell? the "female" seems to have much smaller horns and does seem to stay a darker color. similiar to the pic in the link above. i guess i should have prob just waited a few days and had them shipped from a dealer with a good reputation. oh well to late now.
Now the Dwarf Jackson females have a single horn on the nose, but no female Jackson of any of the 3 subspecies have 3 horns to my knowlege.
Let me totally correct myself- I have no experience with them, but it looks like you do have some Mt. Kenyans, and the females DO have 3 horns.
Did you say that they were eating good for you? In the first picture he looks kinda thin. If they are eating good, that's great, but I would make sure to hydrate them VERY well. I've always gotten a 'limp' response from some on here about humidifiers, but I would get an ultrasonic cool mist humidifier, especially if you can't be with them 24/7. Use it plus a good 2 or so minute misting of the cage 3-4 times a day and/or a drip of some kind until they start to look a little 'plumper'. I know you've already had to get a new cage and I'm sure you've spent a ton on these guys already, but I would seriously get that thing. I got mine from Walgreens for about $40 and it keeps the humididty in my cage at a good 75-80%. My house stays very dry from both gas heat in the winter and AC in the summer. IF you get one, position it so that they have a way to kinda get out of the mist in case it gets to much for them. Look at this video; see how the lower half of the cage has the mist coming in and the upper half where the lighting is has no mist. This will give 'em a wider range of areas to find thier comfort zones in.
I think they look a bit dehydrated. I suggest you put in way more plants, hand mist them twice a day and maybe even a fogger in there would be good. They should also be kept cool. I don't know about US temperatures but in here we keep them at around normal room temperature with just a tiny spot to heat up. Nights should be cool. Good luck, I'm sorry though you have had such a wrong information from the one who sold them to you. I can't say anything about the sexes, I'm not much of a Jackson's expert though I have experience with montane species. There is some jackson's in which teh female has either 1,2 or 3 horns.
Just saw your picture of your cage. If your using one of those coil fluoresent compact bulbs, get rid of it- the older models can damage the eyes, but the new ones are suppose to be safe. I wouldn't use one personally. Also, are those 2 heat bulbs on top? That's gonna be too hot- do away with one of them and position one of them more to one side of the cage. Get a linear Reptisun 5.0 for UVB lighting. Otherwise the cage size is fine. Get some more plant cover as well when you can. The temperatures should be in the 72-78F range, but the basking area can be about 80F, but be reserved!! Too hot is not good. These guuys are from a high elevation and like it cooler and moist. At night they could tolerate it to drop down into the upper 60s.
I've always gotten a 'limp' response from some on here about humidifiers, but I would get an ultrasonic cool mist humidifier, especially if you can't be with them 24/7.

That's the kind of humidifier I'm using as well with my quadricornis. Also worked well for other montane species. Especially for WC animals hydration is very important!
one is a repti glow 13 watt uvb 5.0. this gives off no heat and is cool to the touch. the other bulb is 75 watt halogen neodyium. this is for the basking spot as my house stays under 70 during the winter. i havent really seen them drinking any water yet. however when i had them in the smaller tank they were eating any cricktes that i put in the cage. havent seen them eat any crickets since i have put them in the bigger cage.
just went up to the store and bought the only ficus they had in the store. from what i could find the leaves and plant look like the link below. i have read that most ficus's are generally safe, so i was going to go with that assumption. I am going to wait for the morning to put it in since i turned the lights off for the night. i was planning on rinsing the plant of in the shower before i put it in the enclosure.

Ficus rubiginosa variegata

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