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  1. Marshmallows mom

    South Bay Chameleon Keepers (SBCK) Feb meeting

    Steve Can you save me a bag of Cricket Crack... PLEASE :)
  2. Marshmallows mom

    Little Bert :)

    such a cutie! :)
  3. Marshmallows mom

    Comment by 'Marshmallows mom' in media 'Final poly coat.'

    Amazing... Im in the process of a build my self. will be posting pic in a while! Love the way your cage came out!
  4. Marshmallows mom

    Looking for Hornworms

    OldChamKeeper.... I almost forgot about the silkworms. I just want make sure my marshmallow doesnt get bored with just crickets. :)
  5. Marshmallows mom

    Looking for Hornworms

    Thanks SSimsswiSS... Ill be heading down to rainbow mealworms this weekend!!! :D
  6. Marshmallows mom

    Eye trouble

    thank you soooooo much for all your help... I will get the vitamin A tomorrow and start it!
  7. Marshmallows mom

    Eye trouble

    thanks for all the info... to answer your previous question... its only the right eye.
  8. Marshmallows mom

    Eye trouble

    water schedule... I have a aqua zamp... goes on a few times a day for about 2 mins at a time. Hes eating 10-15 crickets a day. I was told he was 3 months when I got him... so that makes him 4 months now.
  9. Marshmallows mom

    Eye trouble

    So today when I got home I noticed that Marshmallow had his right eye closed. 10 mins later he opened it but it seems a little off to me... what do you all think?:confused:
  10. Marshmallows mom

    Shedding ?

    Thanks Ill try that. :)
  11. Marshmallows mom

    do chameleons yawn?

    My guy doesnt it in the morning and right before he falls asleep... the cutest thing! :p
  12. Marshmallows mom

    Shedding ?

    So I've had marshmallow for a month now, when I got him he was 3 months old. I was wondering when I should expect him to start shedding? :confused:
  13. Marshmallows mom

    BIG NEWS! Parsonii hatched!

    AMAZING!!!!!!! Congrats!:D
  14. Marshmallows mom

    A few new ones

    Looks great! Good job!:)
  15. 25283.jpg


  16. 25284.jpg


  17. 25285.jpg


  18. 25282.jpg


  19. Marshmallows mom

    Not supposed to pick favorites, but...

    Beautiful colors! :)
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