Those security questions... "How many wings do _____ chameleons have". Stuff like that. The answers sometimes are never guessable. No matter how I word it.
All incorrect.
Found a ferret forum but it's so out of date and just.. obnoxious to work with.
Anyone on here owned ferrets and have any care sheets?
Also, do they still stink (like STINK STINK badly) if their scent glands are taken out?
My very first interview was a group interview with 7 other people. I was always asked the questions first and it went in the line so they all had time to BS their answers. It was so nerve wrecking.
I like it. In my marketing course, logos were always my best subject. It's simple enough to be recognized on both small and large surfaces, but detailed enough to get the point across.
Also, advice on getting jobs. They're really scarce here, especially if you're a minor. I already know about calling to assure them you care about the position and personally going in for applications. Nobody wants to hire around here.
Okay, I really need to buy myself a truck soon. I'd PREFER a truck or Jeep Wrangler, though they tend to guzzle gas, but I guess I can resort to a regular car if need be.
Shoot me ideas for the best brands, models, etc. that are reliable and fairly cheap.
My Senegal had been yellow for a few weeks. I upgraded to a larger enclosure and after he got used to it he was green again. Not suggesting you go out and spend money right now on a new cage, just my prior experience.
Okay so we had been feeding a stray cat.. come to find out she was pregnant and gave birth under our wooden platform, safe and cozy for her.
Thing is, we have snakes and foxes who are trying to get her and her 5 kittens. The kittens are about 5-6 weeks old and seem to be weaned from milk...
1.5 million per acre. Billions total. I live in VA, and we got hit. You can't take one step without crunching 3-4. Bobo definately LOVES this arrangement.
Personally I think it teaches everyone that they do change color like that. Then for people that do own them, we get bombarded with "make it change color!" and "make it a rainbow!".