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  1. chameleonkev

    hi,i want to know my panther male or female

    I also agree with them, he's a male
  2. chameleonkev

    New to veiled Chameleons, can someone help please x

    Livefoodsdirect Livefood warehouse Rickslivefood Silkwormstore Here are a couple, if you decide to give silkworms a go witch are a really healthy feeder go to my freind list, look for Benton. He has wrote a simple little blog explaining silkworm care, it will help
  3. chameleonkev

    New to veiled Chameleons, can someone help please x

    Zoo med reptivite is a good multivitamin, I buy it of e bay. The zoo med plain calcium is good to and cheap of eBay and no reptile shops don't sell many feeders, I breed my roaches and order other feeders of online suplyier a there cheaper. I can recommend some if your from the UK
  4. chameleonkev

    New to veiled Chameleons, can someone help please x

    Nutrobal is suitable twice monthly, get a plain calcium without d3 for daily use and also you want a multivitamin to also use twice monthly As for feeders the more variety the better, it's recomended to not let one feeder take up more than 35% of their diet Just go give you a idea of what is...
  5. chameleonkev

    New to veiled Chameleons, can someone help please x

    No he's a healthy chameleon, best of luck
  6. chameleonkev

    New to veiled Chameleons, can someone help please x

    It's the other side of his head I was talking about but anyway, from this shot he does not look stressed to me, he's very colourful and looks very well hydrated
  7. chameleonkev

    New to veiled Chameleons, can someone help please x

    AstroTurf is fine, if it gets damp I would just take it out to dry every now and then and it may be the shedding skin then I'm looking at but it's better just to make sure I've never had the exoterra strip bulb so I Carnt say but you can always upgrade, the Arcadia t5 are a really good kit and...
  8. chameleonkev

    New to veiled Chameleons, can someone help please x

    I'm looking at the third pic down under his eye slightly to the right, do he have a slight cut or scare there? It look swollen around the sore? It may just be the pic
  9. chameleonkev

    New to veiled Chameleons, can someone help please x

    A household bulb for basking is correct, I would buy a guard for it to avoid a problem Is the strip buld a Arcadia? If so is the bulb a t8? It will say on the bulb, the t8 do a 5% and a 10% and personally ivwould stick with the 5%. Alot of use do use the higher % but that's because our vivs...
  10. chameleonkev

    update pics of faly, mitsio, parsonii and t laterispinis

    This is more like it and thanks for helping to sex my parsonii, out of intrest what are you basing your opinion on as I'm new to them and am only found of the rostral horns. Jurgen thanks for these amazing chams and when was it you said you will have more parsonii? Is there any way you would be...
  11. chameleonkev

    when do they stop growing?

    Round about 18 months give or take
  12. chameleonkev

    update pics of faly, mitsio, parsonii and t laterispinis

    I'm also looking to add k matschiei, considering mt meru and f minor, more faly and a female parsonii to my collection. Anyone in Europe with any of these for sale or noes of anyone that does please pm me I'm not after a parsonii for the moment tho untill I no 100% that mine is male
  13. chameleonkev

    update pics of faly, mitsio, parsonii and t laterispinis

    He has died, I'm just bringing up the new blood now, another 1.1 captive breed unrealated so I'm expecting these to be brighter
  14. chameleonkev

    What kind of camera do you all use

    im going to read up on my camera and see what the results are tommorow:) and ive just posted some
  15. chameleonkev

    What kind of camera do you all use

    ive got a samsung wb600 here witch i thought wasnt a bad camera, maybe i need to take a risk and take it of auto mode lol i just have no idea witch setting works for what
  16. chameleonkev

    Old enough to breed?? (Furcifer Pardalis)

    i wouldnt think about breeding the female untill she is 15 months or older, its just not good for the health of your chameleon
  17. chameleonkev

    update pics of faly, mitsio, parsonii and t laterispinis

    first of all these are the faly pair that are coming to breeding age so thats the plan in the next month or two and...
  18. 053


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