Yes. His eye was bothering him from the original problem and he scratched it on something. The pressure inside of the eye is high enough to cause this weak spot/scratch in the cornea to bulge out and threaten to rupture. Corneal ulcer is the name of this kind of injury. Now his eye might...
My cham went to the specialist vet yesterday. This vet had a bunch of equipment to look in the eye, sort of like what optometrists for people have only smaller. There is "a chance" that we can save the eye. The blood vessels in his eye are swollen. I have to inject the antibiotic Fortaz...
He now has a corneal ulcer. His eye is in danger of rupturing. If it ruptures it supposedly won't hurt anymore but we have to be very careful of infections. I feel so bad for him. :( He could lose that eye completely.
On Saturday I noticed a small scratch on his eye. I made a vet...
I've heard mine fart before. My back was to the cage at the time. I definitely heard a fart. I turned to look and Kermit was sitting on her branch innocently like nothing happened.
On Tuesday the swelling came back. The vet said to give him the same antibiotics (Sulfa/Trimethoprim) for 2 weeks every day. At the moment he seems to be in the same condition that he was before any treatment started. :-(
His left eye is closed again. It's not swollen, but he's rubbing it on vines again. Other than calling the vet tomorrow when they open, are there any suggestions?
I thought he was better. :(
I don't have experience with different mist temperatures. Someone else may know more about that. My mist is room temperature like the water and it works for me.
I also struggled with this. I have an ultrasonic humidifier running constantly near the cage. Humidity stays around 45-55% for me. I would be in trouble without my humidifier.
It wasn't just puffy. He was holding the left eye closed most of the time, only to open it when stressed or flicking his tongue. He was also rubbing it on vines excessively. He's gotten a lot better since last Wednesday when he started taking antibiotics. He's not completely normal yet, but...
The "bug" was nothing, but the stool sample still had coccidia in it. The pain medicine caused no change. He is now on antibiotics called Sulfa/Trimethoprim. The vet said that it would help get rid of the coccidia and may help out the eye. We still don't know what's wrong with the eye. :(