Humidity help


New Member
Ok, I've got my temps perfect, my enclosure all set up, the plants in place, everything looks good. I just cannot seem to get my humidity to go up and then STAY up. I don't have the chameleon in there yet, (he is coming in the morning) and I have been experimenting with misting, trying to get the humidity up. I've tried for various lengths of time, with warm, then hot water, and it'll go up to about 55% and then fall almost immediately down to 37%. ARGH! I'm getting frusterated!

ANY suggestions? I've got a 38 gallon reptarium with two live plants (a zebra plant and a ficus).
I also struggled with this. I have an ultrasonic humidifier running constantly near the cage. Humidity stays around 45-55% for me. I would be in trouble without my humidifier.
Thanks so much guys! While I was waiting for replys, I actually thought of the humidifier idea myself, so I have my 1987 ugly (but perfect:D) humidifier running now by the cage. I think I'm going to go to Target when I get paid and get a smaller one though.

Do you recommend cool mist? The one I have now is very HOT mist. What do you think?
I don't have experience with different mist temperatures. Someone else may know more about that. My mist is room temperature like the water and it works for me.
Thanks Brian, I just took a look at it. Thats a pretty elaborate setup! I hope I don't have to resort to that, but we shall see!
I use a cool mist humidifier. The vicks ultrasonic humidifier, v5100n. i modified it and put pvc pipes with holes that go directly to the cage.

I haven't been using it lately though. I have veileds.
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