I am no expert and I am FAR from a professional opinion but I notice two things immediately. The eye looks sunken in which isnt good in any situation. and the other is the brown around the bottom, is it always like that?
Sorry I missed the part about the collards :o Thank you for all of your help! she's been really great and isn't a picky eater, I feel like supplementing her diet with the veggies directly may get her more nutrients than the bugs can get her. And she seems to enjoy the switch up. :)
today must be the day for chill chams cause neither of mine seemed to care about me doing anything. so here are some veiled cham pics :p
This is little Geordi chilling with his Crix
Shot at 2012-04-03
And this is Uhura not giving a care.
Thanks! that's good stuff to know. I'm hand feeding the veggies because she doesn't seem interested in food unless I hand feed. Thanks for the list!
Where are you getting mustard greens? I've looked all over and I can't find anywhere that sells them.
Anybody have a list of Cham safe veggies that they can and will eat directly? Uhura is loving some strawberries, but I want to know what else I can feed her directly.
Damn they wont pupate that sucks. I wonder if you can get them site to store from walmart we have a program where if you can order it online to come in to the store then you will not pay shipping and you can just pick it up at your walmart. ditching the spinich.
It's unfortunate that they are sterilized btw that puts a damper on that, but I have a steady supply of them 20 for $4.
If I let them pupate into moths do they loose any nutrition? and they seem to like spinach.
Ferretinmyshoes! Go to walmart in the fishing section! Wax Worms Butterworms Nightcrawlers and even Crickets are all stock in the fishing sections of most walmarts! Trust me! I work there!
So I picked up some butterworms at my local walmart in the fishing section and can't seem to find any information on breeding or keeping them. Anyone who has any input it would be greatly appreciated!
I had another idea today, Do you guys think that its a good idea for me to put some Fluckers High Calcium Dry gutload in with my bedding for my supers and mealworms? Not a lot but just enough to get some throughout. It's just another way to make them more nutritious.
I just bought the eggs through mullberry, but they are out of the worms and the pupae now, Great lakes hornworms has some and there is also a website that I haven't used but it has them called lindasgonebuggie.com.
I have a wet gutload that I had considered giving them but the lettuce was just for the night I can switch them over, and they were in a bed of oatmeal and bran. I will give them the gutload ASAP.
lol I just hadn't put much consideration into breeding them because I know that there isn't...