Ok, so I have a male Panther Chameleon estimate to be 3.3 years old, had for awhile now. Moved to California from Ohio. My panther had been doing pretty good before we moved.
In December Saw a vet to get a good bill of health and set out for a roadtrip to California.
January i decided to...
Since my Mueller is around 2 to 2.4 years old, I'm sure within the next year I should see eggs or seminal plugs, for sure. I spoke to my vet and he mentioned a x-ray wouldn't work, but an endoscopy would, but for surgery, i'd rather wait for eggs or a seminal plug to show before cutting him open...
Thank you for your insight! I also went on melleridiscovery.com and found a ton of information to help too. I may have my melleri xrayed to see what sex he is to know for sure then see about talking to breeders about a mate. I saw FLChams have had melleri chameleons before. Any information on if...
Ditto! I am thinking about going back to school to be a vet/go to Africa to see them in their environmet, just so I can learn, then have my own rescue and be able to care for these guys completely. I love these little guys so much, the money is worth the moments i get just being near them. I...
I am a first time Melleri Momma and I am trying to find information on breeding Melleri chameleons and how to sex them? (Finding information/captive breeding them difficult, but willing to learn and devote time to mastering it.)
I have a Melleri chameleon (2 years 4 months old estimate, had...
Another question......
I'm used to dusting my boys food occasionally with the indoor calcium and then the outdoor calcium less often since they are mainly indoor lizards. If the weather is nice I'm gonna have cages outside on the balcony overlooking the harbor during the day so the boys can...
Maybe once were settled and after Christmas we can all get together at my condo and have a "chameleon cocktail hour". Where we can show off our chams, and enjoy a relaxing evening of drink and mingling????
Thank you for all your local knowledge. Keep me posted about shows. I'd love to meet up and go and talk about chameleons with you! I understand the "drive". I'm used to driving an hour to eat or do anything rather cool so driving doesn't bother me, even though I'm excited to walk everywhere all...
Very sad. I hope to learn as much as possible, publish a book and go around educating people and schools about these little guys and hope to make a difference and the world a better place for them. That's why I want to meet other enthusiasts, get involved with my new community and care.