I wrote the common veggies that cause MDB.
All veggies and fruit in big quantity cause MBD. By that, i mean feeding them to Veiled cham regulary, not a piece of salad per week.
Similar as in Iguana diet, some vegetables and fruit "wash away" or restrict the absorbtion of calcuim in the digestive sistem of the chameleon.
Mostly vegetables as; salat, cabage, brocoli, couliflower, tomato
I think it's better to use room humidifier and increase the humidity of the hole room.I think it' cheaper too...But it will work out well only if you have chams that need similar humidity.
Do you have this plant in you leaf cham terrarium?
I reach out mi hand (into a terarium) and then i put a cricket on my anckle so chameleon can see it moving. (i hold the cricket, but it's moving)
And then the chameleon climbs on my hand to get the cricket.
But this works only when he is hungry.
PS:he is 10 months old Yemen