I just got done building my cage and trying to figure out the temps and humidity before I get the chameleon (veiled). The cage is 4' tall with a 2'x3' footprint. The basking spot at the top right is 95°. At about 18” from the top it is usually between 78°- 80° and at the midpoint it is usually 2° above the ambient temp. There are 3 potted plants in the bottom, 2 philodendron and 1 ivy, and a spider plant in the back wall. They all need to grow in a little more. The main problem I have noticed is that the humidity in my apartment is about 33% and with the Habba Mist going for 60 seconds every hour I can only raise the humidity to 44% on occasion most of the time just. Any suggestions or opinions on this matter or with regard to the cage in general would be appreciated.