That's good and also use a multi vitamin like sticky tongue indoor minarall ect and try feeding daily till he is full grown :) a 1/2 inch cricket would be the max I eould feed him ( rule of thumb don't use feeders wider than the width between his/her eyes :)
Please do not dust crickets with the calcium D3 every day !!!!' Twice a month he should get calcium with d3 and a multivitamin. The rest of the times if alternate one day on one day off with calcium NO D3!!! That can really harm him, also I would feed little man every day 6-10 small crickets...
If it is toxic it's no good and even though it may say non toxic or "herb" it can still be potentially leathal for your Cham as stated above better safe than sorry
I suggest gel not crystles because they can expand when inside the chameleons stomach and potentially kill /explode his stomach if he eats a cricket or feeder with dry crystles in it :x no good flickers makes a gel which I use calcium fortified
Not really sure what you mean like going a full week ? Or Saturday morning giving him food and returning the next day and feeding at night which is not recomended because when the lights go out they don't hunt and any feeders left in the cage will chew on your little man and possibly infect him