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  1. ChameleonTherapy

    Why is your chameleon mad at you today?

    Y'all, I got nothin on this one. I was all the way across the room when he got fired up. Only thing I can figure is he was sulking because he tried to snatch up a roach and knocked him off the branch and down to the leaf litter. I'm sure he blames me.
  2. ChameleonTherapy

    Enough food?

    So, I've been giving my 3.5 month old panther 15-20 crickets/dubias/BSFLs at one feeding in the morning in his feeder run and he gobbles them right up. I give him a few more hand-fed BSFLs as snacks throughout the day. Right now at 7 pm he is perched on his feeder run looking for more. If...
  3. ChameleonTherapy

    Why is your chameleon mad at you today?

    For me today: Because I tried to get him to come climb on me after successfully feeding him from my hand the first time. (that was awesome tho)
  4. ChameleonTherapy

    Supplement debate

    That was my reaction too. I was just hoping to get some concrete reasons to reply with why we do things the way we do. Or you know, I could decide not to be a keyboard warrior because someone is Wrong on the Internet (tm).
  5. ChameleonTherapy

    Supplement debate

    That was my initial reaction, but I was trying to be open-minded with her.
  6. ChameleonTherapy

    Supplement debate

    Yes, that is what I meant.
  7. ChameleonTherapy

    Supplement debate

    So, I am in a discussion on a chameleon facebook group with someone who says instead of doing calcium with d3 2X/month and a multi without d3 2X/month, you can skip the calcium with d3 and just do a multivitamin with D3 2X/month. This is different than what my breeder says and anything I have...
  8. ChameleonTherapy

    What do you think of Jango's new cage?

    Love this! The Cork bark in the back looks dope. BTW, Bodhi is sporting the exact same colors this morning.
  9. ChameleonTherapy

    Why is your chameleon mad at you today?

    That last one needs to be entered in a photo contest. That's hilarious
  10. ChameleonTherapy

    Why is your chameleon mad at you today?

    Dear God! She looks like Pac-Man in that last one!
  11. ChameleonTherapy

    Why is your chameleon mad at you today?

    "God youre such a creeper, Amanda!"
  12. ChameleonTherapy

    Why is your chameleon mad at you today?

    "Jeez its so hard to find good help these days!"
  13. ChameleonTherapy

    Why is your chameleon mad at you today?

    Could be he thinks you have shitty taste in shows. :-D
  14. ChameleonTherapy

    Dusting FAIL

    Cleanup will happen today. Might give him a sneak preview of the big boy cage while I clean out his bin.
  15. ChameleonTherapy

    Grow light for free range?

    I got mine from Biodude. It's like staring into the Sun!
  16. ChameleonTherapy

    Bodhi's first shed

    I was not prepared for how cool this was to watch. Especially when he grabs pieces of his shed with his little hands and rips them off. Lots of Incredible Hulk vibes there.
  17. ChameleonTherapy

    Dusting FAIL

    I ordered one this morning
  18. ChameleonTherapy

    Dusting FAIL

    All right, do I need to get in there and clean the pile of powder up right away or can he finish eating first?
  19. ChameleonTherapy

    Cage cleaning question
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