Cage cleaning question


Avid Member
You set up your cham cage and you have these tall plants in pots and thick branch on tray in bottom of cage. How are you supposed to clean these cage. Tray is supposed to pull out. I don't get it. Do your set up all plants so none are on bottom of cage. I was not going bioactive. I have dragon ledges in Reptibreeze XL
The dragon ledges are made so you can have a "floating garden". You instal the ledges, add large branches in the vertical position creating a frame, and then you can hang all kinda of plants and branches vertically. There should be a completely bare bottom.
If you go on the dragon strand website there is a neat guide to using the dragon ledges.
My female has a lay bin on the bottom of her enclosure...

Most of us just spot clean.
We used to call that giving the dog a bath. :rolleyes:

Seriously though, spot cleaning has been working fine for my other lizard, so why not?
Just debating with myself whether to put ceramic tiles down on the bottom of the enclosure on top of the drain pan, egg crate & screen.
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