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  1. Sarahcwilson

    WC Ambanja -- Kaepernick -- Gold body Red bar

    Yeah, I agree! He is AMAZING. What color! :D
  2. Sarahcwilson

    Someone hates the camera

    Wow, look at that YELLOW! He's awesome! I love the color in his chin area in the first pic and his "chin spikes" (probably there is a technical term for those, lol) in the second pic. :)
  3. Sarahcwilson

    Jake and sniper update!

    So cute. :)
  4. Sarahcwilson

    panthers in the sun

    I like the teal in both of your boys around their lateral stripe. :) So pretty!
  5. Sarahcwilson

    some new pics!!

    They are all cute, but I love the colors on Tarantino! He has such amazing colors! :)
  6. Sarahcwilson

    4 months old male sambava/ ambilobe panther chameleon

    He looks awesome! I love the red. :-)
  7. Sarahcwilson

    4 months old male sambava/ ambilobe panther chameleon

    Ps. Chams drink from droplets collected off of leaves or from rainfall, so you'll want to stimulate this with misting (also good for humidity) and a dripper of some sort - see example. You might already know that but, I thought I'd make sure! :) They won't get...
  8. Sarahcwilson

    4 months old male sambava/ ambilobe panther chameleon

    Hi big rob! Welcome to the forum! :) I am a newish Cham owner as well. Got my guy, first chameleon ever, in November. It's been a journey; they really are special creatures. The forum recently added this: I think it's a must read for new...
  9. Sarahcwilson

    Stress? Discomfort? or Anger? Please help

    I noticed my guy gets kind of territorial when he's in his cage. Once he's out, he's cool, no gaping or anything. As I've added more foliage, I've noticed he doesn't react as negatively. Hope that helps. :)
  10. Sarahcwilson

    So pissssed!!!! RIP Tootsie Roll!!

    Dude, that sucks. I'd be devastated. I'm really sorry that happened. RIP
  11. Sarahcwilson

    Why are females cheaper?

    I have an idea for her name. How about from Carl to Carla? :D Clever, right? ;)
  12. Sarahcwilson

    Betty Ambanja

    She's cool. I like her colors and patterns! :)
  13. Sarahcwilson

    play in the tree, and kiss the sun goodnight

    He's pretty! I like the name Apollo too!
  14. Sarahcwilson

    Smidgets first time

    So cute; :)
  15. Sarahcwilson

    Walker's no longer my baby...

    He looks awesome all fired up! :eek: :)
  16. Sarahcwilson

    my new panther

    He's very cute!
  17. Sarahcwilson

    !!! Boys Memorial Weekend !!!

    I love their colors! They're awesome. :)
  18. Sarahcwilson

    My first BB Ambanja Nuala!

    She's very pretty! :)
  19. Sarahcwilson

    My Babies Sage (veiled) Cooper (Parsonii)

    Waaaay too cute!!!! :D
  20. Sarahcwilson

    F. Verrucosus update

    Look at those greens; wow! :D
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