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  1. emersonc

    shedding and eating

    sometimes my cham will do the same thing. To me it looks like she is thinking about shooting out her tongue but it not the right moment, you know what i mean? My cham is very particular of when and at what she will shoot at. But at the end of the day she always gets her meal...
  2. emersonc

    New Humidifier

    Thanks that was a pretty helpful website, but it doesnot talk about a warm mister. i have been tol that since warm mist rises there is not really a need to hook up piping, and since this is for only my one cage, i dont think that i will need to hook up a system like that. Ans yes i will be...
  3. emersonc

    New Humidifier

    I just bought a new humidifier online the other day, it is a duracaft DWM - 250. It can hold 2.5 gallons and it is a warm mister. has anyone heard about this product before, i have seen some good reviews for it, now i am looking for some bad ones, if there are any atleast. This is going to be...
  4. emersonc

    Humidifer/New Cage?

    So i was thinking that this summer i want to get a better cage for my cham, i have almost had her for a year so i thought that this would be a good b-day present. I am going to make the cage from scratch, i haven't figureed out all of the details yet but.... It will be about 5 feet tall,and...
  5. emersonc


    My cham loves to be pet. She will just sit on my finger and i will pet her under her chin and her belly. I figure if she doesnt like it then she would walk away or turn black, i think she likes it:D :D :D
  6. emersonc

    New Member "Max" the panther chameleon

    welcome to the forum, it looks like you have a really nice cham. All seems to look well, but i might add a few more branches to the cage, and do you have a UVB light?
  7. emersonc

    Advice on not eating crickets

    there are a couple of things that i would change. First you might want to get a new cage, the glass aquariums work, but i think it is better to get a cage that is all mesh, on all sides. this lets there be more ventilation and more climbing space because your cham can climb on the sides of the...
  8. emersonc

    My Free Roam Setup

    That is pretty cool man, i do the same thing, i have a "umbrella" plant and a five foot tall plant like the one in your pictures. Shisha loves to transfer back and forth. I dont keep her there overnight though because everyonce in a while i have seen her go to the floor and make a run for it, so...
  9. emersonc

    hes been chilling at the bottom of the cage

    my cham did that for a while about 4 months after i got her. She spent most of her time there, but not all of the time. You may want to make sure that the temp in the cage is not too hot. Usually it is a lot cooler at the bottem of the cage and that may be why your cham is down there. There...
  10. emersonc


    i have heard it is common to shed about every three weeks...but my cham hasn't shed for over four weeks now
  11. emersonc

    is this cage good enough for my babies

    It looks like it would be fine for now but i think that you will need some real plants. the fake plants are easy and have a lower chance of carrying any desies, but i think that it is really important to have a real plant for them to chill on. Its kinda like: would you rather walk barefoot on...
  12. emersonc

    Plants? Plants? Plants?

    I think that me cham really likes to crooze around my "Arboricola Capella" or more commonly known as the umbrella plant. You can get them pretty big and some are really dense while others are not as dense, the one i have now is about three + feet tall and atleast 2 feet wide, this is a average...
  13. Shisha Gautama with mark on her side

    Shisha Gautama with mark on her side

  14. Member Album by emersonc

    Member Album by emersonc

  15. emersonc

    New cage is finally here!

    Wow i want one...
  16. emersonc

    Blind Eye?

    I tried to include all the needed info in my first message of this thread, is there a place in my profile that i can list off all the that info? I have started to give Shisha showers over other day, i think that she really likes it. As far as a vet goes i think that i am out of luuck. I live...
  17. emersonc

    Blind Eye?

    well she had benn really nice in the past. she would always climb up my arm onto to my head and she loved to be held. but now that she is haveing the eye problem it is like she is a completely different cham.
  18. emersonc

    Shower picture

    sweet chameleon dude, what type is it... ambjana
  19. emersonc

    Blind Eye?

    Ya im trying to make sure she knows where i am at all times so i stop freaking her out. Ill try to get her more water and i will start to give her some more showers. Also when i was at the pet store i got a bottle of turtle eye drops. It is "Nature Zone; Turtle Eye Drops...Opens and cleans...
  20. emersonc

    Black Spot Turned White?

    Oh ya and could you help me out with one of my other threads title "Blind Eye?" check it out if you have some time
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