hes been chilling at the bottom of the cage


New Member
can someone help me. just recently i noticed in the morning time that my chameleon has been going to the bottom of the cage. i took pictures of him and everyone has told me he looks very healthy. can anyone explain this behavior and should i be concerned?? any info would help me. i talked to the person i origanally purchased him from and she said he looks fine and not to be to worried. i bought him from chameleonsonly.com
my cham did that for a while about 4 months after i got her. She spent most of her time there, but not all of the time. You may want to make sure that the temp in the cage is not too hot. Usually it is a lot cooler at the bottem of the cage and that may be why your cham is down there. There should be a good temp. gradiant from the top to the bottom of the cage
emersonc said:
my cham did that for a while about 4 months after i got her. She spent most of her time there, but not all of the time. You may want to make sure that the temp in the cage is not too hot. Usually it is a lot cooler at the bottem of the cage and that may be why your cham is down there. There should be a good temp. gradiant from the top to the bottom of the cage
thank you for your help i will definately check!! thank you
Hello lilj0e, welcome to the Chameleon Forums :)

Excessive temps could be the cause, but it is hard to say without more information on your current setup. If you want a friendly critique of your setup and some possible advice for improvement, post some details for us. You can [THREAD=66]check out this link[/THREAD] for an example of what we are looking for.

The panther in your avatar looks nice. You are welcome to upload photos to your gallery.
info for help on wondering on the bottom of the cage

screen cage 24x24x12
5.0 reptisun light 75 watt basking bulb
90-95 gegrees in basking area coolest spot 74 in the cage
i do not know my humitity levels but the cage is misted at least 4 times everyday and a drip system is used
shafferella is used and it is a live one
cage is not near any fans or vents and is in the living room but the living rooms is moderate traffic
i am changing the cage this week to a 36x30x18 and putting a ficus in there
chameleon info
panther male 6 1/2 months
i feed him crickets and wax worms
the cricketsa are his main diet and they are fed romaine lettuce, collar greens, carrots, oranges and a cricker supliment for gutt loading crickets called cricket yummies. it contains 27 vitamins. wax worns carrots and apples
minerall is used sat and wed rep-cal w/ calcium and phosperus mon and thur rep-cal tues and fri
misted 4 times a day and drip system see him drink occassionally
hes been wondering at the bottom of the cage he even looks like he wants to wonder out of the cage like he looking for a place to get out
Not sure as to why your chameleon would be "trying to get out" but my first opinion was to get a bigger cage, and you said you were doing so already. For chameleons, the bigger the cage, the better it is for them but adult male Panthers seem to like a minimum of a 4x2x2. We used to keep many Panthers in 175 gallon Raptariums and by keeping them outdorrs never had a problem and the chameleons did quite well.
Screen cages seem to be a bit better for chameleons than Reptariums but the biggest I have seen them is 4x2x2 unless you build one yourself.

Make sure you provide ample vegetation but also open areas where the chameleon can come out to bask and/or eat. Panthers like their vegetation but also like a little less dense than some of the other chameleons. A main ficus with several sticks or branches extra for climbing might deter your chameleon from escaping or trying to anyway.

I personally do not like Minerall for supplementing as it caused edema in too many of our female panthers and babies alike. We always used Herptivite and Rep-Cal calcium for supplements and used Repto-sol liquid vitamins every 10-14 days to provide pre-formed Vitamin A.

hes been wondering at the bottom of the cage he even looks like he wants to wonder out of the cage like he looking for a place to get out

90-95 degrees in basking area coolest spot 74 in the cage
screen cage 24x24x12
It does sounds like your chameleon is too hot. Try reducing the basking area to 88-90F.
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