Well, until we've been to Maddy to see for ourselves, it's just assumption. Who's to say they ONLY have one look. Look at Ambilobe and their variation...
Yes, I've heard that story from 3 people so far. She should have told all her customers that there is a chance that they're getting something other then the label states. I purchased that particular one after that show, and I had no clue about it. All I knew was that it was supposed to be a...
The reason I know it's a male is because that's exactly what my Maroantsetra started looking like as it passed the 4 month age. He was bought as a Female Ambanja from Connie Dorval, and started showing coloration exactly like your WC. Needless to say, it's obvious Connie totally screwed up there...
Here are 2 photos of what my Maroantsetra Male looked like asleep and awake. He showed more red when he was sleeping and more orange when he was awake and relaxed. I've recently sold out of Maroantsetra, but he was one awesome male.
www.chromachameleons.com Harry is the best of the best to deal with here in Ontario.
Edit: Ryan, that's too funny. You beat me by under 60 seconds. LOL
Yeah, I don't have experience with it, but I've read quite a lot about roaches and their setups. I just don't trust something that can climb and breed very prolific. I'll stick to my Dubia :D
Yep, Lobster it is. Coat the top of the bin with vasoline all the way around and at least an inch wide. They can't get through it. Or you can order bug stop. It's basically the same thing, but I hear that it works better.
Lobsters breed even faster then Dubia, so that is a plus. They are also...
You either ended up purchasing Lobster roaches as Dubia or your Rubbermaid bin isn't totally smooth. Can you please post a picture of the roaches and the enclosure?
Hopefully you never have to deal with grain mites. Not only is it disgusting to see, but after you see it, you are constantly itchy, thinking you felt a grain mite on you. You'll be in the shower a few times a day lol.