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  1. Melodie21

    Clydes upgraded cage

    We built a new cage for our Veiled Chameleon "Clyde". We built it 4' high × 5' long × 1' deep he seems to love it! Cages can be built cheap with 1×1 pine, furrowing strips & some aluminum screen. I hope you like it! :)
  2. Melodie21

    My Babies are Getting Big 2/12/18 (Baby Pictures)

    I love the babies their so cute and have grown so fast ❤ I love the pictures heres one of me and my boy Clyde
  3. Melodie21

    Babies Babies Babies 2/4/18

    They are such cute babies all so unique ❤
  4. Melodie21

    How many of you have had your male veiled chameleon cuddle up on you and fall asleep easily

    How many of you have had your male veiled chameleon cuddle up on you and fall asleep easily
  5. Melodie21

    Running out of the cage

    The stage can last for a few months or they get a little older and grow out of it a secret to get your chameleon happy and loving is to rub under his chin gentely with your index finger mine loves it and sweetens him up fast lol I have real life teens also lol
  6. Melodie21

    Running out of the cage

    Mines a male veiled chameleon he went through the teenager phase they all do when he comes out he wants on the curtains or to sit on me or sometimes a fast walk to the curtains when he's on the floor and if he doesn't want to come onto my hand when its time to go back in his cage he acts like...
  7. Melodie21

    Please Keep Fiona in Your Thought and Prayers

    Prayers Fiona is beautiful ❤ wishing she gets out of surgery ok how old is she
  8. Melodie21

    Cornelius the juvenile male veiled chameleon

    Thanks everyone I appreciate the help and I will get a laying bin ready but what do I do when she has layed her unfertlized eggs what do I do with her eggs!
  9. Melodie21

    Cornelius the juvenile male veiled chameleon

    Hello, Friends: I'm looking for some opinions on if you believe my chameleon is a girl or a boy? He was sold at pet smart as a male veiled juvenile chameleon at two months old a year ago. Looking at the photos of your beautiful chameleon's shared, he resembles a female but kinda looks like a...
  10. Melodie21

    whats it mean when cham puffs up?

    Does my chameleon look like a male or female just wondering because you have a female and for mine it said male when I first got him hes not even a year old though
  11. Melodie21

    Does my chameleon look full grown?

    This is a picture of him on me and it shows his back legs
  12. Melodie21

    Does my chameleon look full grown?

    When i got my veiled he was two months old and hes been growing since then he doesnt seem like a she or look like one to me
  13. Melodie21

    Does my chameleon look full grown?

    Here is a picture of my male veiled chameleon hes 7 to 8 months also his name is clyde
  14. Melodie21

    Christmas Morning Photos 2017

    I love the pictures of your babies merry Christmas to you and your new little ones their cute
  15. Melodie21

    nose blockage?

    Your baby chameleon is so cute
  16. Melodie21

    New Cham Not Drinking

    Hes a cute veiled chameleon are you sure he doesnt drink when your not watching and have you tried holding water towards him to see if he will drink it is it normal for veiled chameleons to be stubborn when it comes to drinking do you think.
  17. Melodie21

    New with questions :)

  18. Melodie21

    New with questions :)

    I will be careful and glad to know the important things like that are wrong Thanks for not being mean about it and explaining how i should be instead
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