I think all the care, time and money that you put into your enclosure shows. You did your homework and spent the time to do it right the first time. I think Peri will grow up happy and healthy. He is lucky to have you in his life. Keep up the great work.
Thanks for the mention. I keep mine in tubs. I keep 10 per tub and have hatch dates for each. As more hatch, I add more tubs with different hatch dates. Usually each tub will have anywhere from 1-14 days listed on them for hatch dates.
That is correct. I'm sure yours will be coloring up real soon, Sometimes they are late bloomers but yours had some nice colors coming in. It won't be long and you'll start seeing them.
Not yet. I sent pics and a link to that trend with the babies I have but I don't think that is what he is looking for. I still appreciate the mention though. I will be posting pics and letting everyone know when those babies are hatching.
I'm saving my big girl for him to get to size.
LOL Thanks for the mention and the exception. I do cut eggs on the ball pythons I breed. This is a few reasons. Yes sometimes the snakes are to small or weak to break out of the egg, during incubation some snakes are smaller then others because of egg development, umbilical cords could get...