your idea is great...but for some reason the crickets LOVE my metal dog food bowls. If I put them on the floor, OR leave them on the counter...there are always crickets in them the next day that cant jump out. Makes absolutely no sense
What is in a name
My names are
Veiled Cham--Yowzer--from the paint commercial
Veiled Cham- Digit--The size of my finger when I got him
Panther Cham--- Copperhead--she is a couple months old and the color of a copper head snake
Panther Cham--Big Bro--her brother and huge
Panther- No name...
Now this is crazy but I have escapees too. Strange thing is I walked over to my dogs aluminum dog bowl and there were 5 crickets in it! Alive could not get out. Tethered was some dog food residue in it but they were attracted to it !
new enclosure
They look good...but I would not be able to use because they would not protect my cham from dogs or cats etc. Also with the umbrella net...looks great but I have had my chams get out of the darndest little bitty holes. And to further add to concern..I use hardware cloth cage...
I love the dubias, crickets jump, and die...dubias cant even get out of a glass I scoop them up in. and dust them and pour them into the baby chames grew huge when I added dubia. That and they get loose, I find them dead...which is odd. You could probably cup feed dubias if the...